Chapter 225

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Chapter 225: Activate Xiao Hei, Guess Qin Ran’s Identity

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Within a minute, the machine sounded again, “The system is loading. Turning on the screen mode.”

 As the robot’s voice fell, a virtual blue three-dimensional screen was cast in mid-air.

Words appeared from left to right—

 [Papillary Binding] — [Butler Mode] [Scientific Research Mode] [Omnipotent Mode]

Cheng Juan was still looking lazily with a hand on his chin.

 Qin Ran glanced at Cheng Huo and stuffed her hands in her pockets. She raised an eyebrow and said casually, “It’s artificial intelligence, get it?”

 Cheng Huo was speechless.

 He couldn’t say a single word.

 He lowered his head, feeling like a fool for spinning around EA3 the whole afternoon.

 Cheng Shui also put down his chopsticks in surprise.

 These days, many IT companies had developed intelligent systems, but many were pseudo-intelligent, and even if there was a chat system, it still needed a master switch to turn on.

They had researched the whole afternoon and had even gone to the auction house. They even wanted to go to the Yunguang Consortium to ask for instructions, but in the end, it could be solved with one sentence?!

 Only Cheng Mu glanced at it calmly and finished the last bite of rice in his bowl.

 “Miss Qin, I’m going to the training ground.” He put down his chopsticks and greeted Qin Ran and Cheng Juan with his swollen face before leaving.

 Qin Ran nodded. “Go on.”

 Cheng Mu paused when he passed by Cheng Huo, who was still stunned.

 Glancing at Cheng Huo, he turned and said to EA3, “EA3, do you have a name?”

 [Xiao Hei.]

 Cheng Mu nodded. It was the same generation as Xiao Er. He continued walking towards the training ground.

 Except for his slightly swollen face, his expression was as wooden as before.

 Cheng Huo really felt like Cheng Mu had done this on purpose.

 After staring at him, he finally reached out and ran a hand through his face. Then, he turned to look at Qin Ran. “Miss Qin, you’re… incredible.”

 The system had now been activated and Cheng Huo also understood how to handle EA3.

 There was nothing more that needed to be said, so Qin Ran went upstairs to change her clothes and head to the training ground.

 “I feel like such a fool…” Cheng Huo said bitterly, glancing at Cheng Shui and Cheng Juan.

Cheng Juan folded his hands and nodded without saying anything.

Now that EA3 was activated, Cheng Huo didn’t even want to continue eating. He let Xiao Hei introduce its functions, and when it was binding its system, he let it scan Cheng Juan’s pupils.

“Binding successful. Turning on omnipotent mode.”

 Cheng Huo was simply rapt in wonder. “Boss, can our hall study this robot first?”

Cheng Juan nodded and gave him the go-ahead.

Cheng Huo hurriedly got up to head to the information hall. When he was about to leave, he remembered something and stopped abruptly to look back at Cheng Juan, who was going up the stairs. “Boss, you used the boxing machine in the morning, right?”

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