Chapter 241

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Chapter 241: Sister Ran: I'm Really Just Playing

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Even if Tang Qing won a competition against the last place, she wouldn't feel good either.

Before this, Tang Qing had already inquired about it with other people. If newcomers could challenge the top 100 members, they could enter the law enforcement hall. The others would be randomly sent to either the procurement hall or the foreign trade hall.

Among them, the law enforcement hall had the best welfare and the greatest strength. They even received guidance from Cheng Shui frequently.

However, in the information hall, as long as their computer skills were good, there was no such requirement for the challenge stage.

Tang Qing didn't expect Qin Ran to be ranked last.

Although a little disappointed, she had no intention of changing her plans.

"Mr. Cheng Shui, I've decided." She turned towards Cheng Shui.

He nodded. "Who is it?"

Tang Qing laughed and said, "421."

When Cheng Juan had asked Cheng Shui to put Qin Ran's name on the list, Cheng Shui had thought hard about it. Logically, she would be ranked first, but if so, many people would surely want to challenge her.

Those people would be curious to know her strength and some would want to know if she deserved first place...

There were a lot of rumors about Qin Ran in the manor. If she ranked first, many people would have their eyes on her.

Hence, after careful consideration, Cheng Shui had put her name on the last place.

The rankings above were indeed ranked according to strength. Generally, the newly recruited challengers would choose from around the two or three hundredth place. No one would challenge the last place.

Although the people in the manor knew that Qin Ran might not be weak, after seeing her name in the last place, they would discern that Cheng Shui didn't want them to challenge her and would hence not choose her.

It was precisely because of this belief that Cheng Shui had put her name on the last place.

421. Cheng Shui remembered it clearly.

However, he didn't expect that Tang Qing, who was the first to play, would snatch the grand prize and challenge Qin Ran by name?

Narrowing his eyes, Cheng Shui turned to look at Tang Qing. "Are you sure you want to challenge 421? If you are a newcomer, it's best to challenge someone from the 200th to 300th place."

Cheng Shui had also heard of Tang Qing's punching power of more than 700.

Hence, he gave her a suggestion.

However, to Tang Qing, it sounded like Cheng Shui was inexplicably protecting Qin Ran.

She had already felt jealous of Qin Ran because of her uncle and the information hall's incident, but now, she felt even more uncomfortable.

Glancing over at Qin Ran, who was wearing headphones and playing games, Tang Qing lowered her eyebrows and pretended to say innocently, "Yes, Mr. Cheng Shui. Isn't it possible? Is there a rule that I can't challenge the last place?"

Although she knew Qin Ran was ranked last and didn't have high strength, Tang Qing still wanted to drag her off the altar.

Cheng Shui took a deep look at Tang Qing. He was about to remind her again, but after hearing Tang Qing's words, he swallowed his words and nodded instead. "It's possible."

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