Chapter 315

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Chapter 315: Break a Butterfly on a Wheel

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Without putting down his chopsticks, Dean Jiang picked up his phone and glanced at it. It was Xiao Tao, a freshman assistant teacher from the Physics Department.

"Dean Jiang!"

His loud voice almost blew up his ears. Dean Jiang quickly winced and put the phone away.

"What's the matter, why are you panicking?" Everyone at the dining table was familiar, so Dean Jiang didn't avoid them and spoke calmly.

On the other end of the phone, Xiao Tao couldn't calm down and continued to yell, "The Cheng family has taken a fancy to our student Qin Ran this year!"

Dean Jiang's hand shook, and the ribs he had just picked up with the chopsticks fell onto the table.

"What?!" He immediately stood up with a nervous expression. "Give me the contact information, I'll solve this matter myself."

After hanging up, he hurried away, halfway through his meal.

Zhou Ying glanced at him and slowly asked, "Dean Jiang, you're not eating anymore?"

"How could I!" Dean Jiang turned and glanced at him. "If I continue eating, this year's freshman king might never return from military training!"

He said his piece and vigorously rushed towards the stairs.

He was really put on the spot...


Cheng Qingyu was still with the middle-aged man, who made two calls and then answered another call.

His expression was a little strange after receiving the call.

"What's wrong?" Cheng Qingyu waited for a while and sat on an empty chair in the office. He took off his hat and asked in a deep voice.

The middle-aged man finally returned to his senses and glanced at him. "What could happen? Do you know who she is?" He continued eating with his chopsticks.

"Who? She's really talented, but she's impatient." Cheng Qingyu slightly narrowed his sharp eyes. Could it be Old Master Cheng who just called?

Qin Ran was indeed a good seedling. Otherwise, Cheng Qingyu wouldn't have come here.

"She's the freshman king of Beijing University this year, the national college entrance examination top scorer. Principal Zhou finally reeled her in after much difficulty." The middle-aged man took a bite of rice and looked up. "Do you think they would let her go? Don't dream about it, just go back to the freshmen."

"The top scorer?" Cheng Qingyu was stunned.

Students of Beijing University were all impressive. After finding out about Qin Ran, he already guessed that she had good grades.

But he didn't expect it to be of this level?!

With such achievements, it was only natural for Beijing University to hold onto her dearly...

Cheng Qingyu felt a little regretful inside, but he didn't obsess over it further. He just picked up his hat and was about to leave when he suddenly thought of something. "Has Captain Shi brought new people to the base recently? I've met a bottleneck situation and want to ask him for advice."

He deeply admired this Shi Liming, who had recently gained a reputable name for himself in the Cheng family.

He had convinced the people here with his strength.

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