Chapter 350

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Chapter 350: Maybe It's Because She's From Beijing University's Physics Department

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The program team was indeed consciously setting this up for Bai Tiantian. After all, the Jiang Corporation had invested so much. This program was already popular, and, coupled with Qin Xiuchen's popularity in the entertainment industry, numerous companies were scrambling for the last guest, and there wasn't a lack of popular rookies.

Out of so many artists in so many companies, Bai Tiantian was able to fight her way out as a rookie all because of the Jiang family's dominance in the entertainment industry.

No one couldn't be boosted to fame in the entertainment industry. No one dared to not give the Jiang family face either, so the crew had specially given Bai Tiantian sufficient scenes and chances to showcase herself. This question was one of the segments to attract fans for her.

The show filmed the day before yesterday had already been broadcast.

Last night, the assistant director had given Bai Tiantian the question and answer ahead of time and asked her to recite it.

To highlight Bai Tiantian's personality, this was a particularly complex physics question that the program group had found on the Internet in advance.

As veterans in the entertainment industry, Jing Wen and Qin Xiuchen knew the operations of the program group well.

But Jing Wen's cousin and the others didn't know.

A disharmonious voice interrupted the parade of praises for Bai Tiantian.

Bai Tiantian paused, and Jing Wen's cousin also looked over. He originally wanted to scold her, but thinking of how she had easily carried one hundred kilograms of wood, he swallowed the words "What trouble are you stirring" and asked instead, "What's wrong?"

Qin Xiuchen and Jing Wen also looked over.

Jing Wen had no idea what Qin Ran did nor who she was, but Qin Xiuchen knew very well that she was from the Beijing University's Physics Department...

To be admitted into Beijing University's Physics Department... only a few hundred people across the country accomplished this feat every year.

He realized that she meant the physics answer was "wrong."

"The answer is wrong?" Having just carried the wood over, he was wiping his sweat with a paper towel. Upon hearing this, he threw the paper towel into the trash can beside him and glanced at her.

Holding her chin in her hand, Qin Ran chuckled. "No, I mean that the question is wrong. According to this question, all four options are wrong."

The whole scene fell into silence.

The director only took part in filming and hadn't arranged this question.

Pressing the headset directly with his hand, he frowned and asked the assistant director, who was still watching the split-screen in the studio, "This question is wrong?"

The program group would be mocked if it was really so.

The assistant director had been responsible for the question. Holding the headset, he replied, "This is a real question we downloaded from the Internet. There's even a clear analysis below the answer, so it can't be wrong."

The program group staff had worked for several years and were veterans.

They didn't understand this kind of physics question. They just wanted to fool the audience with the most difficult question and then make Bai Tiantian stand out.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2022 ⏰

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