Chapter 318

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Chapter 318: This Year's Freshman King

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

South A, Building 304.

In the Automation Department's first Higher Mathematics class, the teacher was from the Mathematics Department.

The first thing he did when he came in was to pick up the name list and scan the classroom. He introduced himself and then started the roll call.

"The first class is already marking attendance. Oh no, what should I do?" Nan Huiyao lowered her voice and asked Yang Yi. "I can answer in her place when he calls Ran Ran later..."

Before she finished speaking, the Higher Mathematics teacher called, "Qin Ran."

The students were arranged according to the pinyin of the first letter of their name.

The teacher had skipped past a group of people and directly called Qin Ran's name.

Nan Huiyao and Yang Yi were dumbfounded.

"Qin Ran." After receiving no reply, the teacher put down the list and pushed his glasses. "Is Classmate Qin Ran not here?"

Bracing herself, Nan Huiyao raised her hand and said that Qin Ran had a stomachache and returned to her bedroom.

She originally thought that the teacher wouldn't let this matter go, but in the end, he just put the list down without asking further and waved for her to sit down.

He didn't follow-up with the attendance, as if he had only wanted to call Qin Ran.

Two short periods of Higher Mathematics were over.

The next Physics class was still a combined lesson in South A, Building 407.

After arriving in the classroom, the Physics teacher didn't say anything else and directly called, "Where's Qin Ran? Is Qin Ran here?"

Nan Huiyao and Yang Yi: "...??"

"Qin Ran didn't come to class all morning." Xing Kai lowered his voice and asked Nan Huiyao, "Chu Heng said that this year's freshman Physics teachers are all doctors from the laboratory and the research institute. They look highly upon our batch. You should ask Qin Ran to try her best to come to class later."

"Doctors from the laboratory?" Nan Huiyao had never heard of the research institute, but according to Leng Peishan, it was extremely impressive.

Xing Kai smiled. "Mr. Yue is a doctor from the laboratory."

Mr. Yue was the Physics teacher.


After class in the morning, Nan Huiyao and Yang Yi went to the cafeteria to have their meals before returning to the bedroom. Even Leng Peishan, who had gone out to eat with her seniors at noon, had returned. Only Qin Ran wasn't back yet.

Putting her bag on the desk and taking out two registration forms, Leng Peishan smiled. "These are extra registration forms for the Student Union from my senior. Do you two want it?"

"The internal registration form? Thank you so much." Nan Huiyao took it and gave one to Yang Yi. "Neither I nor Yang Yi managed to grab the Student Union's registration form."

Nan Huiyao had been in class all morning, sitting on the same row as Chu Heng, Xing Kai, and the others. Hence, she had learned a lot of internal news.

She also knew that entering the Student Union would be of great use to entering the laboratory.

The annual list came from the Student Union.

Sitting down, Nan Huiyao took out a pen and started filling out the registration form. While filling it out, she turned and said to Yang Yi, "Why isn't Ran Ran back yet? She didn't even come in all morning. I asked her on Weibo about what she was doing, but she said she was in class. Xing Kai said that our course is being taught by the doctors from the laboratory and is very important."

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