Chapter 340

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Chapter 340: God Card

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The game's voice channel was turned on.

As soon as Nan Huiyao entered, a surprised male voice sounded in the stereo.

"Who is this?"

"Sister Ran's roommate." Nan Huiyao glanced at the voice page. This was spoken by a female with the username [Big Forest].

Realizing that this was the group Qin Ran introduced to her, she greeted them very cautiously.

She looked at the game registrations of the other four people and was shocked to find that they were all Master-level accounts.

Her Master-level account was already considered powerful in Class 1, so she often teamed up with the boys. But she didn't expect Qin Ran's high school classmates to be even better.

"I hope I won't hold you guys back." Since she had already joined, she couldn't really retreat either.

When choosing her cards, she even took out her only two Sky cards, and then added a powerful Land card. Only then did she sigh in relief.

After locking in the cards, the five players entered the arena page together.

She temporarily let go of the mouse and took a sip of water before turning back to check out her teammates' cards.

The first column was [Big Forest]'s cards.

The first was a Sky card.

The second was a Sky card.

The third card was...

What the f*ck?!

A God card??

Stupefied, she glanced down the list.

Sky card, Sky card... God card...

Although she hadn't drunk alcohol, she felt like she must have drunk too much at that time. God cards were a rare sight in the game, and other than the professional players in Team OST, they were few and far between among ordinary players.

But she saw three of them this time?

And they were her teammates?

Having loaded the game, the five of them entered the arena, but Nan Huiyao didn't get to showcase her skills properly. She wasn't pertinent in the round and won inexplicably.

In less than ten minutes.

In the next game, she was pulled into another group.

This time, the players were different.

She only recognized [Big Forest] and felt a little regretful that the teammates with two God cards weren't her teammates anymore.

She finished selecting her cards.

It was still a five-person team with three cards each...

Nan Huiyao: "...??!!"

She saw that [Big Forest] was using a different God card...

"Great God, are you from a professional team?" she finally asked.

"No," a frivolous male voice said.

"Then where did you get so many God cards?!" Nan Huiyao clenched the mouse.

"Is it considered many?" The male player entered the arena with the Nüwa card and replied in surprise, "We only have one God card each, but Lin Siran alone has three."

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