Chapter 237

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Chapter 237: Grandpa Juan Was Also Uncovered

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Qin Ran was still talking to Luo Dui in the flower garden.

The two didn't say much before Cheng Shui came over and said in a respectful tone, "Miss Qin, the car is ready. You can set off now."

She handed the watering can to Cheng Shui and pulled her hat down again before nodding.

Cheng Mu's training was already over, so Qin Ran didn't need to keep an eye on him.

"Oh, Cheng Mu asked me to give this to you." Cheng Shui walked behind her and handed her a book.

It was the notebook that Qin Ran had instructed Shi Liming to fill with all of Cheng Mu's changes after taking the medicine.

Flipping through it, she walked out of the gate.

She wore a black coat and held the book in her hand. She was also carrying the backpack that Cheng Shui had just given to her.

She looked like she was going out.

At the small training ground, Tang Qing looked away, her eyebrows drooping. "Are they going out?"

"Miss Qin is probably going out to play?" The person beside her scratched his head. "I heard Luo Dui say that Miss Qin came here mainly to play."

"Really." Tang Qing continued turning towards the test instrument, her blond hair reflecting light.

The assessment was starting the day after tomorrow, yet she still had thoughts to go out and play...

"Has this Miss Qin ever trained before?" Tang Qing walked over and grabbed a handy weapon.

She had heard lots about Qin Ran in the manor, especially that she was very powerful. However, Tang Qing doubted this point.

"I don't think so. I've never heard of her coming to the training ground..." The person thought for a long time and couldn't think of a time when Qin Ran had trained.

Nodding, Tang Qing felt even more strongly that Qin Ran was insignificant.

As of now, she wasn't even concerned about her.


Over here, Qin Ran and Cheng Juan were sitting in the car.

The driver was Cheng Juan, while Qin Ran sat in the co-pilot seat.

The medical organization was also in Continent M, but it was far away from the manor and took more than two hours to reach.

After departing at 1 pm, they would arrive at the medical organization at 3 pm.

The door of the medical organization looked very new and had vibrant words written on it.

However, the entire medical organization occupied only a small area.

There was only one building with five or six floors.

Cheng Juan parked his car in the underground garage and punched in with a card.

Instead of going upstairs, he went to the basement on the 12th floor. Qin Ran only realized now that there were more than 20 basement floors.

As soon as the elevator door opened, her eyes lit up and she felt like she had been enlightened all of a sudden.

The area of each floor underground was obviously countless times larger than that of the ground levels.

Qin Ran saw a hall at once, which was slightly empty. The people inside all wore their standard white coats.

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