Chapter 285

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Chapter 285: Nature-Defying Sister Ran

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Everything happened too quickly. Lin Wan stared at Qin Ran numbly, seemingly at a loss.

When she first came to this banquet, she had heard Qin Yu talk about Master Wei and his apprentice. Then, she had also heard many others mention this while following Dai Ran.

But later, she didn't think that Qin Ran was the same person she knew.

Until now, Dai Ran's words pulled her back to reality violently.

Lin Wan murmured, "It turns out that Master Wei's disciple is really her?"

This sentence made Dai Ran even more certain that Lin Wan knew Qin Ran. He squinted his eyes involuntarily and said regretfully, "If only I knew you were acquainted, I would have gone to you directly. I wouldn't have let Master Wei beat me to it..."

He sighed and then looked down at Qin Yu. "But this Qin Ran just came to the association. Only two months are left before Continent M's Association is open, so she can't compete with you for this year's quota. Otherwise, you might be in danger."

Dai Ran estimated that Qin Yu could reach the sixth grade in two months.

After being in the association for ten months, Qin Yu had successfully gone from the fourth to fifth grade at the end of last year. Now, she was expected to reach the sixth grade after half a year.

Qin Ran's talent was terrifying, and in two months, she could probably reach the sixth grade for the most part.

Fortunately, Qin Ran was one year older, so the association would choose Qin Yu.

At this moment, Qin Yu didn't even have the heart to listen to Dai Ran's words.

She just looked down at her hands. From the moment she arrived in Beijing and then stepped into Continent M, she had drawn a line from her previous life. She now disregarded Qin Hanqiu and Qin Ran and had even refuted Qin Ran for not knowing the violin...

She didn't even have the heart to participate in the banquet.

Qin Ran could play the violin?

And she was even a student who reached the fifth grade as soon as she entered the Violin Association?

She was Master Wei's apprentice?

What the f*ck! What was wrong with this world?!


Qin Ran didn't know that Lin Wan and Qin Yu were going berserk because of her. She followed Master Wei and met various individuals all night.

Other than Engel, the others were Master Wei's core contacts in Beijing.

"Teacher Wen Yin, you two should be very familiar." Master Wei introduced another man to Qin Ran. "This is our Vice President Liu of the Beijing Association. You can find him if you need anything in the future..."

This circle was full of people from the Violin Association. They all stood up when Master Wei and Qin Ran came over.

Qin Ran greeted them very politely.

After the introduction, Master Wei took her to another circle.

When Master Wei and his party left, Vice President Liu and the others exchanged glances, and one person said, "Old Wei really accepted an apprentice. Otherwise, I'm really afraid that he would really be just a mere figurehead in the Beijing Association. But one person isn't enough."

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