Chapter 299

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Chapter 299: Gathering of Big Bosses in Beijing Again

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

After Chang Ning left, Qin Ran opened the 129 website.

The page was full of internal materials that couldn't be transcribed and required the authority of a senior member.

Chang Ning's account was automatically logged in. Since she was just checking some information, she didn't log into her own account and simply typed a line in the search bar: [Beijing First Research Institute].

129 had very complete information, extending from the basic introductions of the people in the First Research Institute to the several projects mastered inside.

Of the four major forces in Beijing, the research institute was one of them. These forces stood almost at the top of the circle and were controlled by the four major families. Behind the First Research Institute was the Xu family. Their main research was nuclear power engineering and nuclear energy, but there were many other branches inside.

Experimental research and mechanical design of various nuclear technologies...

The Physics Department of Beijing University and University A were under the First Research Institute. Every year, the two universities would have talent transfers of fierce competition. They wanted their school to be ranked higher in the world, so the institute's allocation and support of resources were very important.

Most of the well-known professors in the Physics Department of Beijing University and University A were engaged in projects in the research institute.

The institute would also send more qualified professors to the two colleges to teach the talents in various fields.

Qin Ran looked down and saw who the Dean of the Beijing First Research Institute was—

Fang Zhenbo.

Her fingers tightened around the mouse at this name.

After a long while, she skipped past several years to check what happened decades ago.

But the Internet had not been so developed a few decades ago, so most of the research institute's information was written in the archives. The First Research Institute probably had a large database.

129 was founded less than ten years ago, so it could only trace back to the incident that happened 20 years ago at most.



Not long after Chang Ning walked out, a red sports car roared over from the corner of the street.


Its wheels rubbed harshly against the ground.

The man in the driver's seat took off his sunglasses and, instead of opening the door, he just rolled down the window and put his hand out directly. He was wearing a T-shirt with a skull printed on it and a pair of ripped jeans.

It wasn't Slag Dragon's first time to 129, nor was it the first time he saw Chang Ning. He noticed him standing at the gate at a glance. Putting his sunglasses on his neckline, he waved to Chang Ning and smiled harmlessly. "Boss."

Chang Ning didn't treat him as gently and politely as he did Lone Wolf. He glanced at him once and said, "Come in."

His tone was cold and emotionless.

Dragging a pair of slippers along, Slag Dragon lazily followed behind him.

At this time, a few rookies on the first floor had yet to leave. Slag Dragon looked around at the newbies and noticed an especially beautiful woman among them. His eyes lit up, and he reached out to greet them. "Hello."

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