Chapter 260

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Chapter 260: She's Not Left-handed!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Without speaking, she picked up a pen with her right hand and wrote a line on the notebook.

Meng Xinran looked down stiffly, staring in shock at her words.

After staying in First Middle School for so long, she had heard many things about Qin Ran.

For example, the rumors that she was left-handed and that her handwriting wasn't very nice...

But now...

She stared at the words on the paper—the strokes were steady and the handwriting stance was without restraint. It was nowhere similar to what she had heard in the rumors.

She stood up abruptly from her chair, her whole body stiff and her blood running cold.

Qin Ran glanced at her and threw the pen on the table. She raised her head and smiled cheerfully. "Sorry, but I'm not left-handed."

This sentence was like thunder blasting through Meng Xinran's mind. She stared at Qin Ran, her eyes turning dark and her body almost collapsing in shock!

She had worked so hard just to prevent Qin Ran from going to the examination room tomorrow. While locked in here for one afternoon and night, the only comfort in her heart had been that Qin Ran wouldn't be able to take the exam since she had injured her left hand!

After so many deliberations, never did she expect Qin Ran to actually be a right-hander? Then what was the point of racking her brains for all those schemes?!

Five minutes later, someone came in and took her out while she was still in a daze.

Halfway across the room, she finally returned to her senses and grabbed the policewoman's arm. "Where's my phone? Give me my phone, I want to call my Dad!"

The policewoman glanced at her without a word. Then, she asked someone to hand Meng Xinran's phone to her.

Meng Xinran stared at the time. One night and one afternoon had already passed. That was, the college entrance examination hadn't started yet. With trembling fingers, she called her father.

"Dad, I'm now..." The phone was picked up after only one ring, and Meng Xinran quickly explained her situation to her father.

In her eyes, Qin Ran had no way of dealing with the car accident.

But now, she had started panicking.

"Meng Xinran." Father Meng's voice sounded very old. "I've already asked your uncle to beg Qin Ran. If she's willing, we can settle this privately, but if not... you can only go to jail..."

"Privately? Beg Qin Ran?" As if she had just heard a joke, her lips curled up in a sneer. "Dad, who are you kidding? Why do we need to beg her? She's just an orphan girl who has nothing, the Lin family and Qin Yu won't even help her!"

"Orphan?" Father Meng was silent for a moment. He was now waiting for Lin Qi's answer and didn't even have the strength to scold his daughter. "An orphan girl can make the Meng family receive investigations? Meng Xinran, I've already warned you a long time ago not to be too conceited. You can only pray for your uncle to help us out now. Otherwise... I won't be able to save you."


When Qin Ran left the police station, Cheng Juan was waiting for her at the door.

Cheng Mu's car was parked outside.

Cheng Juan first opened the car on the left to let Qin Ran enter, before going around to the right side.

Lu Zhaoying sat in the co-pilot seat, leaning lazily on the door. He put his hand on the back of the seat and turned to raise an eyebrow at Qin Ran. "Why did you go visit Meng Xinran?"

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