Chapter 16 Sikowitz class

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*Sikowitz POV*
So my fellow students/friends came in to my class room for another lesson of the world of acting!!... obviously Jade must've been trying to impress Beck again because she is dressed like 'Magic Michelle' and I'm tripping high off those coconuts again but yeah I start the lesson "okay today class we are going to continue our practical exam revision on '2 on 1 improv'! Now class please get into your groups that I put you in in the emails I sent you! Robbie, André and Cat and then Beck, Tori and Jade!

*Robbie POV*
Fuck me this was it I am paired with my best friend and my crush! My crush that he stole!!! Never mind let's just get this over with... I thought I was gonna be in mental pain but then Trina came in, put her boom box down and played some sort of classical music, we all watched in cringe and she started dancing with this huge grey cat she was holding like it was way to big for an average cat size it was almost like a dog!!! Yet again that being said I prefer dogs and so does everyone else in my group. Still love cats though but anyways Trina was doing the waltz with it and then eventually the cat started to let out angry meows and start scratching and biting Trina! Turns out that was actually some random angry wild cat she picked up off the street and then she had to get taken to the school nurse! Anyways we start the group activity.

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