Chapter 66 Josh, Spencer and Robbie early joint bday party

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*authors note*

hey this is the chapter that I shifted everything around for because I wanted to include the 3 birthdays I missed in the timeline and they're all up there. Josh's birthday is November 10th, Spencer's birthday is November 11th and Robbie's birthday is November 13th and their age is however old they are now whether its in their own respective shows or in real life u guys can decide anyways on with the chapter.

*Tori POV*

So as its Robbie's birthday coming up in like 12 days and Spencers 2 days before and the day before that Josh, the 3 are having a joint birthday party tonight so we will all travel to San Diego my friend group and a few others and also the Seattle group as well. We already arrived there and it took the Seattle group quite some time because we beat them there XD so we just mess around for a bit and explore the place for a bit and overall just pass some time. Robbie and Spencer are already at Drake and Josh's house so I guess the iCarly group will roll without Spencer until tonight like how we're already rolling without Robbie until tonight. I'm pregnant with child so I'm not going to drink tonight and halfway through the party I'm just going to smoke a zoot and I'm just going to have it all to myself. Yeah they wanted to have the party 2 weeks early due to Josh going on tour with Drake next weekend and for the rest of this month so yeah this was possibly the best decision.

*Jade POV*

So we messed around for a while and then we went to D&J's house and turns out we were the first ones there and Cat literally lanced herself at Robbie hugging him really freaking tightly and she even put her legs around him as well... okay, A. jheez you're excited to see him haha! B. maybe you really should date him after all because I really feel you and Andre are going to cause problems for others by simply being together. C. you're just lucky that wasn't me you jumped on like a skippy puppy!... Although I do love puppies though... and I don't care about dogs jumping all over me anymore I rather them than cats! But I love cats as well but not as much as dogs anyway I'm getting off topic... good...

*Beck POV*

Drake and Josh have such a sick house I LOVE IT!!!!!! It's perfect to have a huge party in as well! So the iCarly gang finally arrive and so do Zoey and her gang but we barely see them because they're off talking with the people from Drake and Josh's high school and the only ones of us they hung out with a lot tonight were Robbie and Spencer and that was only because it's their party as well as Josh's but yeah on with the party we eventually get shit started and the more people arrived the madder it got and eventually I was just sitting by the main table with Andre and Tori and we were just sipping our drink- well me and Andre were anyways Tori can't drink because she is pregnant and until she makes the right decision and aborts that thing she staying off alcohol and drugs. Sad really but who cares... "so great party huh?" she shouts happily and awkwardly "yeah totally!" Andre shouts back "you seem better tonight!" I shout to her "yeah! I feel great!" she shouts back.

*Robbie POV*

So this party has been going on for like an hour and a half now and I must say this was going rather well so far I'm just chilling with Cat and Carly and Gibby and Josh "This is a sick party!" Gibby shouts "AGREED!" Carly shouts "YEAH! WHAT THEY SAID!" Cat shouted. 'YEAH DUDE THIS IS SICK!" I say in response "well of course you think Rob you planned it with me haha! Josh laughed and then I eventually cringed because I saw Drake sneaking off with a few girls and up to his room ew anyways "guys I'm gonna go get more punch" Carly says "yeah me too" I say "same" Jade says out of nowhere. Where the hell did she come from?!

*Josh POV*

*Josh Nicholls here this my first POV in this whole story so lets get into this*

So far so good this actually wasn't going so bad unlike Drake's birthday party earlier this year now that was a freaking mess! "Josh?!" Drake runs up to me "what's up?" I ask him. "Dude Mindy is here!" I freak out "OHMYGOD DUDE!!!! do I look okay???" I say panicking "um yeah ur fine" he says awkwardly "okay good" I respond "wait a minute" he says and he fixes my hair "ok now you are good to go!" he says "okay thanks dude" I said "no problem go get em siski!" he then says "Josh?!" Mindy shouts "Mindyyyyy" I say to her happily and awkwardly at the same time.

*Spencer POV*

Okay so looks like Josh and Mindy are getting back together... again... no surprise there. But anyways yeah I should probably get a place over here as well as Seattle and Los Angeles I have more than enough money I need to actually waste anyways I should probably get a place in London too or any place in England and London specifically because one it is the capitol and two the biggest Internet personality/celebrity of our time and most of his friends live there and he does literally EVERYTHING! Its not just London though lots of great celebrities live in all sorts of different places over there. "Spencer!" I hear a voice shout to me "what's up Carls?" I say to Carly. "Spencer... Tori just told me huge news!!" she said hyperventilating "okay Carly calm down just tell me what's going on" I said to her reassuringly.

*Carly POV*

I just spill the beans "Tori is..." I said "tori is?" Spencer responded "Tori isss well.... ehm" "TORI IS WHAT?!" Spencer screamed getting a bit impatient "TORI IS PREGNANT!!!!!" I screamed and then suddenly the music stopped and everyone looked at us

*Cat POV*

Jesus Christ Carly now everybody we know knows about Tori's pregnancy! Luckily Tori wasn't in the room right now and was up in the top garden terrace smoking weed and just chilling out but me, Jade, Trina, Beck, Sikowitz, Andre and Robbie all feel shit coming now!! Why Carly "WHAT?! Zoey shouted. "For realz?!?!" Drake responded. "Damn it Carly!" Beck shouted face palming so hard "Carly you total penis!" Sikowitz agreed in frustration. Some bickering went on for a while then everyone got back to there own thing so I go up to Carly and question her "dude?! Who told you?!" Asked in frustration "Tori told me before she went up to smoke" she responded "I don't even know why she's smoking while pregnant tbh and making the decision as well" I say "yeah smoking can destroy the baby" Carly said.

*Andre POV*

Well that was something! Fred and Sam and I heard the whole thing from upstairs even "was that even necessary coz I don't freaking think so lemme tell ya!" I shouted out of frustration.

*Freddie POV*

I agree with Andre but oh my god Tori is pregnant?! This is wicked party though I remember when Drake had his here but it a few times actually but most of which ended in total messes XD but seriously Tori Vega is pregnant ?! BRUH

*Gibby POV*

I'm just stuffing my face with cake and punch but Tori is now pregnant?!

*Sam POV*

Why is everyone shouting I'm getting high with Tori but just on a separate joint XD

*Sinjin POV*

You are all stupid!

*Burf POV*

What's the big deal it isn't hurting anyone I mean srsly

*Sikowitz POV*

"You had better leave my fellow students out of your discussions but hey lets continue getting drunk now people!" I shouted excitedly and impatiently.

*Trina POV*

I agree "YEAH WHAT SIKOWITZ SAID!!!!!!!" I shouted backing Sikowitz.

*Megan POV*

*This is my first POV so you better enjoy it!*

Tori Vega is actually pregnant that's worrying specially since that Ryder Daniels guy apparently resurfaced last October! But yeah eventually we do continue the party and the party goes on for another 3 Hours.

*Drake POV*

*This is also my first POV so yeah enjoy this part of the chapter! or not...*

So the party is over and the time is now 1:30 AM and everyone has left apart from Robbie and Cat and Tori and Freddie and Carly and Spencer "u guys sleeping here tonight?" I ask them "I mean ur welcome to..." I say comedically "Yeah can I actually I'm too high to walk" Tori moaned "me too but I'm drunk!" Cat said "me too!" Freddie said "Same" Spencer responded in agreement "IM DRigh asFeuk" Carly added. Spencer and Robbie were staying with Megan and Josh and I anyways coz they're also bday ppl like Josh is in a few days "Ok fine you guys can stay but you 4 Carly, Tori and Cat and Freddie u guys Gotta help clean up tomorrow! Comprende?!" I say to them "YES JOSH I MEAN DRAKE!" they all drunkly say in response "Ok but don't forget about it" Josh said "Yeah don't" I responded in agreement. Tori immediately went to sleep but the rest of us proceeded to get even more drunk and eat more cake and eventually we all then went to sleep and then the next morning we all woke up hungover as shit, cleaned up the whole house and then everyone went back to their own homes and the house was spotless! Yeesh looks like Josh really can host a better party than I can... smh!

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