Chapter 81 Sinjin and Melanie???

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*Jade POV*

*warning of smutty mentions*

So today is Thursday and this is awesome because Thursdays are just the build up to no more school for two days the day after tomorrow but also sucks because you just want the week to be over. I woke up and I felt just so horny and I wanted to play with my pussy so badly but then Cat called me so I pick up "What!...." I say sourly and salty "DUDE!!!!!!" she says. "Deuudeeee what Cat?" I answered "DUDE!... Sinjin and Melanie" "what about them?" I say "someone said they have a thing going on" I wake up a bit more to that "a thing may mean nothing y'know" I say to her "I know but I like to think it is now hurry up and get ur clothes on I'm outside ur house right now!" She said "now?!" I say to her "yeah I thought I'd come over besides I need a friend" I sigh "ok fine I'll come now" I said "yay see you down in a bit" she says and I hang up. She's already fully clothed and outside my house and I am literally just wearing a white LEVIS t-shirt and a pair of black lingerie underwear and thats literally it I never sleep in bras and I don't wear socks to sleep unless if I'm cold and I would've taken time to put pj's on if I wasn't so freaking tired but anyways I just get my clothes on and go outside I didn't need to shower coz I already did the night before and yeah I just come out and her and I walk to school and the moment we get there the first thing we see is Beck and Andre running up to us and talking about Melanie and Sinjin!

*Andre POV*

Well Sinjin and Melanie are now together by the sounds of it this should be interesting. "So when u think Melanie gonna dump him?" I say "Andre chill they literally only had sex" Cat responded to me "something you and me need to do soon..." she said flirtatiously "Cat not out loud!" I say "she has a point though why haven't you two fucked yet?" Jade responds. "We're just taking our time" I say "right Cat? I also say "right!" she says happily. Annoyingly though the one time we need to ask Sinjin something he isn't bloody in!!! Well that sucks... Anyway our music teacher kinda forgot about the assessments but then I go to music later that day "yeah assesments are tomorrow people!" Mr Kardiff says and just thank god we don't have Freddy as our music teacher! Where do I even begin with Fredric Terrence he is the new music head and has been since the start of this school year and he just sucks on like every single level but at least we have Mr Kardiff he isn't the coolest but he's cool enough. Jesus Christ okay I guess Jade and Robbie and I have to practise double time tonight and so does Tori and Carly. Oh speaking of which Melanie and Sam are both coming tonight as well so we can ask them then.

*Cat POV*

Honestly I'm so sad I couldn't perform the flyleaf song with Andre Jade and Robbie instead they got Tori and Carly!

Nevermind either way it doesn't matter me and Beck and Tori and Burf gotta work on our jazz cover anywa- but wait Tori is working with us as well

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Nevermind either way it doesn't matter me and Beck and Tori and Burf gotta work on our jazz cover anywa- but wait Tori is working with us as well... this honestly makes little to 0 sense! And its my time of the month again as well... and it has just started today... amazing.... NOT! Anyways I go out for lunch with Trina and Burf and Sikowitz so I guess I could chill at Nozu for a little while I guess Robbie and Tori and Jade and Andre and Beck r just gonn have to survive without me not that they even need me. They can spend an hour without me for once.

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