Chapter 29 Beck and Tori

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*Tori POV*
So I literally just spent the afternoon crying on Beck's shoulder. I was just too sick of it! I couldn't hide my emotions anymore! André betrayed me by leaving me, Cat betrayed me again the same way she did before by taking another ex, everyone else I know including my own sister and my own parents and the rest of my group of friends minus Candré betrayed me by not telling me about the two being a "thing"! And now I'm crying on one of those traitors shoulders hugging him really tightly and making his shirt wet from my tears!!!😢😢😢😭😭😭😭 now I'm the emotional wreck around here! No offence to Robbie but he needs to chill it's not like him and Cat were actually going out it was just a really intense crush and Robbie will get over it and find someone better for him although we always used to say Robbie and Cat would be perfect for one another 😂 and him and I are getting on so well at the moment because we are both in similar situations in our love lives. But yeah I'm drowning in my own tears and I'm not even on my period! I'm having a moment where I feel like I don't wanna live! If only Jade and Beck weren't together I mean I always kinda liked Beck and besides Jade is a bitch who treats everyone she in her life like garbage! Beck don't deserve her I do though like I deserve André more than Cat does!

*Beck POV*
So we're in the Black Box theatre way after school ends and I'm just Tori's pillow at the moment just put it that way for now but yeah I was with her for quite a bit and eventually I just said "look Tori maybe you should like y'know find someone better" she replies to me with her face still buried in my shirt "well most of the hottest guys I know already have spouses" we trade looks and both laugh 😂 like lunatics and that made her light the hell up a bit thank god!🤣 but yeah Jade and Trina then enter with Robbie and we all 5 of us walk out of school together but then we all see something we wish Tori and Robbie never damn saw!

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