Chapter 75 Back at Robbies

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*warning: slight mentions of smut at the near end of the chapter you have been warned!!!!!!!!!!!*

*also a quick little note I remembered the iCarly thing that was supposed to happen last weekend (story timeline time) and I won't postpone that either that happened off screen at any point the last two weekends besides when I have story arch to write about in an iCarly scene then I will write a scene that takes place during an iCarly webisode*

*Back at Robbies, Cat and Robbie were stoned off their nutz!*

*Cat POV*

So I ate half of mine and saved the rest for later but Robbie already finished the rest of his half an hour ago and I should have waited for like an extra 15 mins but I just couldn't wait they tasted too good and then Robbie and I were off our heads everything was blurry all we could see was the tv and each other and Robbie was wearing his usual shirt but was wearing new Jordans and Black jeans Robbie got YouTube up on his TV and we were watching boost your high videos and after those videos we just listened to weird high music

I never even knew this SP song I mean I wouldn't have tbh I'm not that big on Smashing Pumpkins but Andre and Jade fucking love them for years they have been fans of them those two and Josh and Drake and Zoey and Sam even all went to a smashing pumpkins concert that was in Washington last year and they also followed them to London where they performed at the O2 arena with AFI and even Stevie Wonder and Evanescence and Haelstrom and Taylor Swift were there too I just wished I was at both those concerts with them but I'll be seeing Ariana Grande soon anyways still gutted she cancelled her October concert but she said she's postponing it to July so either way I am happy its still happening. Anyways I can't even concentrate on music atm I am with my friend and we're both high as kites and eventually we just lay down on Robbies bed and Robbie through Rex right off the bed and me and him just layed down there and I eventually found myself resting my head on his chest jheez he was skinny but he has some kind of abs down there at the same time and yeah I was kinda stroking his stomach and he was stroking mine partially too and we had eachothers hair eventually because I postured up a bit. Yeesh his hair feels so good I love curls!!

*Robbie POV*

We were both aware that we were snuggling each other "just friends?" I ask her awkwardly "yeah just friends" she says with a mischievous tone and grin! Her hair feels so luscious and she has a pretty chunky stomach by the feel of it I mean Cat is a regularly slim girl and is just like medium weight, size and height but she has a bit of fatness everywhere too but honestly her slight chunkyness kinda suits her. I know we said just friends and I know I even said it first but still I am kinda feeling something in this moment its like the start of my dreams are coming true but at the same time I feel like a fucking horrible person because I am snuggling with my friends girlfriend... and we're stroking each others hair... I mean yeah we're stoned but I am being aware Andre is still with Cat and I am enjoying Cat's company and current heat and how she physically feels on me seriously her skin is so soft and warm and her hands and hair and face especially!!!! Her hair feels so good she has such luscious soft red strawberry velvet hair ugh Andre u lucky fuck! Then she says "I guess tonight its just you and me baby" I look at her funny "Uhm Cat I say..." She pulls me into a tight hug and I just kinda hold her to me back. I'm lying down and she is on top of my holding on to me. She looked so precious tonight though her hair was bright red and straight with wavy bits at the bottom, her face was perfect her skin super soft and she was wearing an outfit of hers I really liked basically she was wearing a pair of blue short denim shorts, she was also wearing a Selena Gomez T-shirt and she was wearing her usual high heels but she took them off and her toes were pink white and the same kind of pink white as her finger nails were... so we just continue sitting there just holding onto each other then eventually we were looking each other dead in the eyes and we just felt heat and our faces pressed and then eventually our....... well you know what it is.....

*Cat POV*

Robbie and I just kissed!!.. Me and Robbie Shapiro just locked lips with each other and kissed each other on the lips!!! oh... my... god...... we both quickly pulled back "shit I'm so sorry" he said awkwardly "so am I seriously!!" I said interrupting him and we were both coming out of our highs and kinda panicking a bit "I guess we were high and in heat and everything just got to as an-" Robbie said stuttering and I was also stuttering! "yeah yeah I know we were both stoned off our faces and idk about you but I am still kinda stoned but also coming out of it at the same time" I told him "yeah I feel exactly the same I am coming out of my high but I still am high at the same time..." he responded to me we were both looking at each other and then I remembered one of the things about these types of edibles were that the affects start to wear off when engaging in any sexual or romantic activity... I then told him "the affects of the cakes will wear off when the people engage in any romantic or sensual or sexual heat activity I'm sorry I'm sorry I should've told you" "look its fine okay regardless this high was fucking fun!" he says determined and reassuring at the same time... so we kinda just talk for the rest of the night and then we didn't even know how long it was until we saw the sun rise welp time flies when you're having fun :)!!

*Robbie POV*

bruh I just kissed Cat Valentine I chuckle to myself and feel good about myself but in the back of my mind is just Andre Harris and I was about to tell Cat about that but then she already did "we can't tell Andre about this ok" she told me "yes absolutely fuck no! We must not tell Andre Harris! Or anyone for that matter!..." I respond to and agreeing with her with passion "yeah no one" she said agreeing with me and we both just sit back for a bit "it did feel kinda good tho" she told me and I'm like for realz gurl? I feel something happening... something... down there... no Robbie don't "you ok?" she asks me looking at me kinda sus "yeah I'm fine thank you" I respond to her kinda sus as well "how are you?" I say to her awkwardly "yeah... I'm ok... haha" she says awkwardly but then laughs oh my god I have such a boner right now!! Why?!?! Her and I just chill for a little longer but then she eventually has to go home so I send her off and she hugs me and I hug her back and then she leaves my house, gets in her uber and sets off back to her and Sam's apartment (I mean it is technically their place now Nona is barely there and that's where they have their babysitting service). I go back inside my house up to my room and now I am starting to question myself and Yeah I still have a huge crush on Cat and how it is even bigger after that!!... Anyways I have the fattest boner right now so REAAALLLYYYYY wanna go and jerk it out!!..... But it is NNN so I'm gonna have to pull myself the fuck together so instead I'm just gonna have a cold shower because that makes your sex drive die for the moment you take it!

*Cat POV*

I am starting to question myself I love Andre to absolutely pieces! But I feel something for Robbie as well I might have feelings for him also I really feel something deep down like deep deep down in my heart I feel like I have heartfelt romantic feelings for Robbie Shapiro but in the back of my mind I just remember Andre this is exactly like Twilight now I'm Bella feeling shit for Edward who is Andre in this and at the same time I am feeling feels for Robbie as well as Andre and in this case Bella is feeling stuff for Jacob as well as Edward and I guess in this case Robbie is Jacob maybe we should have been casted as those 3 roles honestly I still love Andre more than anything and he is my absolute EVERYTHING and I guess I may just have to work with emotions toward both but mostly try and fight off my urge to be with Robbie at the same and also to... kinda.. fuck.. him as well.!.! And oh my actual fuck I am getting fanny flutters again and I am thinking of Robbie right now at this current second argh fuck it the moment I get home I'm gonna just get naked and finger bang myself again Sam isn't there she's currently at her "new "guy friend" from Spain house in LA so I can fuck myself all I want!!! Sorry I'm just so horny right now why?!?! It was so fucking frustrating though so I will be sexually frustrated but I just gotta have a cold shower and distract myself with other things! I do not wanna fail No Nut November and yes girls do it too now but yet again boys never do NFF (No Finger February). Anyways I'll just try and make myself as NOT HORNY as I possibly can and then just go to bed and then sleep.

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