The Devil Wears Prada (An AU) - Part Six

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It's been a minute, but she's back! Does anyone remember this AU?

TW: Swearing/cursing, mentions and discussions of anorexia, fainting, sexual innuendos, mentions of alcohol/alcohol consumption, Remus, verbal fighting, a lot of men in tuxedos.
Date Written: October 10, 2021
Word Count: 4762
POV: Omnipotent Narrator, 1st Person

"What on earth was that racket?" Deceit says, pushing out of his office almost immediately. "I was on the phone with--"

He cuts himself short when he catches sight of Logan, who's standing facing halfway away from him. Logan has a hand clamped over his mouth, and his eyes wide, and he's staring at the mound on the floor a few feet away. Remy Louis lies mostly on his back, pale faced and eyes closed. One of his hands twitches slightly, the other as limp as the rest of him. The diamond hair clip he'd been using to hold back his bangs has gone skidding away from his head, and lies on the floor by the feet of Deceit's manicured boots.

Logan looks over his shoulder at Deceit, shock engraved in his paralyzed face. Deceit's eyes bulge as he throws an arm out towards his first assistant. "Don't just stand there! Do something." Deceit orders.

Logan seems to be sparked to life, and he's on the ground at Remy's side in an instant. He's fumbling to flip Remy onto his back the rest of the way. "I-I don't know what happened." Logan stutters, as he starts trying to tug Remy's leather jacket from his shoulders. "He just... stood up, and then fainted." Logan wrestles an arm underneath Remy's back, and lifts him up carefully to pull the jacket down his arms and off of him. Logan's quick to fold it, and tuck it underneath Remy's head. Logan squeezes his eyes shut, and tries to think. He regrounds himself, and tries to focus, to think critically. "Alright, erm-- It could be from low blood sugar, or dehydration, or-- I need something with electrolytes. Like Gatorade."

There's the sound of footsteps in the hallway, and then Logan hears Deceit's voice from behind him, addressing whoever just emerged from the corridor. "You. You heard him, go, and be quick about it."

"Remy?! Oh my god." Says another voice. It's slightly familiar to Logan, and must come from the person at the door.

"Do you need me to spell it out for you?" Deceit snips. "N-O-W, Emile."

The footsteps can be heard scurrying away.


When Remy wakes, he's bleary eyed and the lights are far too bright. He forces himself to blink his vision into focus when a shadow passes over his face. There's a ringing in his ear that pinches like a needle, piercing through his eardrums, sharp and insistent as steel. The shadow ends up being Logan, who's speaking to him, although Remy is too busy trying to get his mind to catch back up to actually process what it is that the second assistant is saying.

The next thing he knows, he's being eased up off the floor, to sit with his back against the cool surface of the front of Logan's desk. It must be Logan's, because Remy would have had to cross around it to get to this side of them in the first place. His legs feel soft and malleable, and he concentrates on wiggling his toes inside his high heeled shoes, just to ensure that they're still there at all. But he feels the way that they press up against the toe of the shoe, and then down again against the sole. He does this again, and again, the cycle of it and the gentle pressure is comforting. Grounding.

Then, the rim of a cool plastic cup is being pressed against his lips. It tips forwards encouragingly, and Remy doesn't have half the mind to do anything but drink obediently. He doesn't really remember how he got here, on the floor. He'd been standing a few seconds ago, talking to Logan about the Book. Yes, that's it. The Book. The water is cold, only... it isn't water at all. It has to be some sort of energy drink. One of those low calorie ones that they sell downstairs. The flavour of it is one that Remy knows well, as it turns out to be the only flavour of the drink that he actually likes, blackberry. He hasn't had one of these in a while, because he's been shaping himself up for Paris. So, Remy turns his head away from the drink, refusing to drink any more.

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