The Assassin's Antidote (Prinxiety)

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This is a Human AU, where Roman is a prince, and Virgil is an assassin. Cool cool?

Anyway, this story was suggested by @Music_1010

I would put the picture in the header... but it gives away the ending, so I won't... ;P

I hope you all like it!
Date Published: Jan 8, 2018
Word Count: 3556
POV: Roman, 1st Person

I'm sitting with my older brother, Patton, playing chess. Neither of us have ever been super intellectual, but I know how to work a knight, and Patton can set up a killer protective wall of pawns. It's frightfully annoying.

That is, perhaps, one of the reasons he'll make a good king, come next fall. His uncanny ability to strategize defensively, and protect his keep, not getting aggressive until a rook is pressing up against his ranks.

I was just about to take out one of the left-most pawns with my bishop, when the captain of the guard burst through.

"He's here!"

I look at my brother in alarm. Although many people might be confused as to what this means, I understand perfectly. There's only one person that "he" could be.

"Patton, you have to get to the safe room, now!"

There's a safe room at the centre of the palace, with entrances hidden in every wing of the castle. The closest one was down the hall from here, in the throne room. A little trap door was located underneath the throne itself, though it was covered by a carpet, concealing it from view completely.

"What about you, Roman?"

"Don't worry about me. I'll go with the guards to provide orders."

I look at the captain. "You take him, you understand? I want you with him at all times."

"Yes, your highness, sir!"

He took my brother by the arm, and began leading Patton out the door and down the corridor.

I rush out after them. There's a guard running past me, and I stop him.

"Where is he?"

"Main gate, your highness." The guard answered.

I nod, and start off in that direction.

Although I think that my brother will make a good king, there are some who disagree. This lead to the notorious assassin, known as Anxiety, to be pushed to ensure my brothers assassination. Anxiety had been in hiding for weeks, and no one knew where he had disappeared to. We knew that if Anxiety ever showed himself, he'd be out to kill.

Anxiety was here. I would protect my brother at all costs.

I bolt down the corridor, towards the main gate. The gate's just around the next corner. I'm running and running, until I hear someone call my name.

"Prince Roman!"

I turn, and see a guard rushing towards me.

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