10 Seconds (Analogical)

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Date Published: Oct 18, 2017
Word Count: 1013
POV: 3rd Person

Today was a big day. Not only was it Virgil's first day at a new school, but he knew that today he would meet her. His soulmate.

He was sitting on the bus, looking anxiously at the timer on his wrist. It was well known that in every "perfect pair", one was born with a timer on their wrist, counting down the time until their first contact with their soulmate. These people were known as "Clocks" and Virgil was a Clock. This meant, that he would end up with a Free. The Free's were born without a timer, and were free of its burden, and only the Clocks knew when they met their soulmate, and they chose whether or not to tell the other.

Virgil checked the timer again 0:03:17:34. Zero days, 3 hours, 17 minutes, and 34 seconds until he would meet the girl he was supposed to love forever. He felt sick. He didn't know any of these people. What kind of impression would he make on potentially new friends if he just said "Oh by the way, we're soulmates."

Oh, who was he kidding? He wasn't going to have friends. In fact, he was almost sure that even his "soulmate" would grow to despise him like everyone else.

The bus stopped, and Virgil rose from his seat, before exiting the bus. The building in front of him was made of the typical brick walls, with two sets of grey double doors by the front to let him in. One set was labelled Clock while the other Free, as they didn't want confusion with colliding with more than one person at the same time a Clock's timer ended, or something.


Virgil was looking around. He had one more period until lunch break, and he was looking around him, trying to find some sort of indicator to show him where his English class was supposed to take place. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught the number on his timer.

0:0:05:18. Five minutes and 18 seconds left.

He thought that maybe she would be in his English class. So he set off down the halls aimlessly, hoping to find his class. Many kids spent time imagining what their soulmate would look like, and his parents had always told him about the beautiful young female Free that he would meet. But, he really couldn't come up with an image in his head of any kind of girl he'd be interested in. He'd just have to wait.


Virgil was sweating slightly now. His palms clammy and shaking slightly as he gripped his class time table in his fingers. He felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to be face to face with a girl with shoulder length blond hair and glasses. She wore a video game themed T-Shirt along with blue skinny jeans and black converse. She had a navy blue backpack over her shoulder, and she wore light eyeshadow, in natural tones.

"You looking for English class?" The girl pointed at Virgil's time table. Virgil nodded. The girl giggled and pointed down a sub-hallway. "It's down there! Third door on your left."

Virgil nods. "Thanks..." his eyes flick down to her wrist, but there was nothing there. A Free.

"No problem! Now, I should be going. See you around...?"


She smiled. "Cool! Well I'll see you around, Virgil."

He raised his hand to give her a small wave. She had almost rounded the corner when he realized, and he called out to her. "Wait! I didn't get your name!" The girl turned briefly to wink at him. "The name's Amelia!"

Amelia. She was attractive enough. Virgil would be content, he supposed.
But, he wasn't really feeling it. He glanced at his timer, which, to his surprise, was still counting down.


24 seconds? So wait, it wasn't Amelia then? Oh, okay... Virgil looked around the hall nervously, trying to catch a glimpse of her.

10 seconds.

He began to panic. He tried to get to the exit Amelia told him to take. His eyes were watching his timer,
though. This resulted in him not really paying attention to where he was going.

5 seconds.





Virgil fell backwards as his timer hit zero. He had run full forced into someone. He focused on the floor. His soulmate. He had run into his soulmate. He couldn't bring himself to look at her yet. To be introduced to someone in such an embarrassing way...

"Oh, I am so sorry. I should've been watching where I was going. Apologies, but I didn't want to put my book down and tried to read while walking. Not the brightest idea I've had." Virgil nearly did a double take when he realized that the voice was male. Not female.

He looked up, to be greeted with a man. He had chestnut brown hair, which was styled neatly out of his eyes. He had thick, black-rimmed glasses, which he pushed up on his nose as he clutched his book. He wore a black polo shirt with a light blue necktie, and white pants. His eyes were brown, but speckled with gold, making them appear to sparkle wand twinkle whenever he moved his head. Needless to say, Virgil was speechless.

His souls mate was another man? It was weird, but, he liked the sound of that. Him being married to another man. Having a boyfriend, a husband.

The boy offered a hand to help him stand up. Virgil finally responded to his statement. "Well, I wasn't paying attention, so it was equally my fault." The boy nodded curtly, yet awkwardly, before turning to leave. "Wait! What's your name?" The boy turned and smiled at him.

"Logan Sanders."

Sorry if this wasn't very good. I'm very sleepy, and might rewrite this later or add a pt 2.

Anyway, I'm going to sleep now. Have a good night ma beans!

Love you!

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