I Won't Say I'm In Love (Prinxiety)

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Date Published: June 5, 2018
Word Count: 877
POV: Virgil, 1st Person

I come down into the common space to grab some food. Maybe some waffles, or something, before going back to my room.

When I walk in, I see that Roman and Patton are sitting on the lounger, watching a movie through Thomas's eyes. Well, the screen that shows us what Thomas is seeing. Thomas is sitting right up close to the TV screen, so we can easily see what he's watching.

In this case, I think it's Disney's "Hercules". Patton is giggling and Roman is watching in anticipation, even though he's probably seen this movie about a billion times.

I walk over into the kitchen section, to see that Logan is already sitting there. At the table, and is drinking something from a mug. It's probably coffee. But, it's almost 7:30 pm! He's going to have some trouble falling asleep.

"Hey, Logan."

"Hello, Virgil."

I turn, and begin accumulating the things that I need to make waffles. But, as I think about it, it's too much work. So I decide on out-of-the-box pancakes instead. Yes, even though it's 7:30 pm.

As I finish with the pancakes, I scrape them off of the pan and slide them onto a plate. I grab some butter and syrup, and spread them on top. I snap my fingers, and all of my dishes and such disappear. Then, I turn to make the journey to my room.

"Everyone, shut up!" Roman shouts suddenly.

I frown. "No one was saying any—"

"SHHHH! It's my favourite part!"

I hear a song start, from the movie playing in Thomas's living room.

"If there's a prize for rotten judgement, I guess I've already won that."

Roman, of course, begins to sing along.

"No man is worth the aggravation. That's ancient history. Been there, done that."

I hear Patton join in as the backup vocals.

"Who d'you think you're kidding? He's the earth and heaven to you! Try to keep it hidden,
honey, we can see right through you. Girl, you can't conceal it. We know how you're feeling;
who you thinking of."

Roman bolts out of his seat, twirling around to face Patton.

"No chance, no way, I won't say it, no no."

Patton smiles, and sings:

"You swoon, you sigh, why deny it, oh oh."

Roman swooned dramatically.

"It's too cliché. I won't say I'm in love."

I stare in awe. Watching Roman dance and sing, as he launches into the next verse.

"I thought my heart had learned its lesson.
It feels so good when you start out."

My heart fluttered, and my stomach flipped. There were some times, when I saw Roman, that made me want to, to...

"My head is screaming "Get a grip girl
Unless you're dying to cry your heart out.""

I felt heat rise to my cheeks, as I lost focus on the rest of the room. All I could see, hear, is Roman singing his heart out.

I snap out of it when I hear Patton sing again.

"Girl you can't deny it. Who you are is how you're feeling. Baby, we're not buying.
Hon, we saw you hit the ceiling."

I turn slightly, going to set my plate on the table, as my hands had begun shaking so badly, I wasn't sure if I could trust myself to hold it. As I do so, I see Logan looking at me. One of his eyebrows raised, and smirking slightly at me.

"Face it like a grown-up! When you gonna own up, that you got got got it bad?"

My blush deepened, and Logan pulled out his phone. Frowning, searching for something. I sit down, and begin to cut my pancakes. But, I can't help looking up every few seconds, to look at Roman.

"No chance, no way, I won't say it, no no."

"You swoon, you sigh, why deny it, oh oh."

"It's too cliché, I won't say I'm in love."

"We'll do it 'til you admit you're in love."

I find myself humming along quietly.

"You're way off base, I won't say it!"

Logan then holds out his phone. I look at it, and on it is a picture of myself and Roman. It was a different movie night, and the two of us were laughing. In the picture, Roman's arm was wrapped around my shoulder, and I was leaning into him slightly.

"Get off my case, I won't say it!"

I smile a little, and Logan takes his phone back, and gives me a knowing smirk, and nods in Roman's direction.

Roman is looking at me, and when our eyes meet, his eyes twinkle, and his grin grows ever so slightly.

"Girl, don't be proud. It's okay, you're in love."

With my eyes still locked with Roman's, I can't help but quietly sing the last line.

"At least out loud, I won't say I'm in love..."

Hi beanies!

Sorry, this one was a little short. But the song is only so long.

I wanted to get out some Prinxiety, cause I haven't done that in forever. Since October, I think. So, here you are.


Just a little Anx cuteness.

Anyway, I love you all, and I'll see you next time, ma beans!

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