The Other Side (Roceit)

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I've never done a story like this, so bear with me. Hopefully it's not terrible? If it is... oh well, at least I tried something new.
Date Published: Jul 27, 2019
Word Count: 1808
POV: 3rd Person

Roman jumped a little as a pair of gloved hands slipped over his eyes. "Guess who?" The person behind him said, voice low and smooth.

"Deceit." Roman said, reaching up, and prying Deceit's hands from his face, before spinning around in his chair to look at the snake-like man, frowning a little.

Deceit smirked down at him. "May I sit?" He asked, gesturing to the chair beside Roman's. Roman's room had a long wooden table that looked like the ones in movies, that were in the castles and palaces of medieval kings. Roman had been working on the script for the next video, and had been brainstorming at this table for hours. Roman's eyes narrowed as he looked at Deceit, before sighing and rolling his eyes, turning back to his work and pushing the papers out of the way. Deceit's smirk deepened as he slipped into the seat to the prince's right.

"What do you want?" Roman asked, cutting to the chase.

"No need for hostility, Roman. I thought we were friends?" Deceit drew out the last word, making a shiver course down Roman's spine. But, the creative side kept his eyes trained on the table.

"I'm not supposed to be talking to you."

"Why? Because Virgil told you not to?" Deceit raised his eyebrows.

Roman said nothing.

"You're the prince, Roman. You shouldn't be living your life by the rules of others." Deceit put a heavy hand on Roman's shoulder. "Isn't it too bad that none of them ever listen to you? Even though you're the creativity? If anyone should be listened to, it's you, don't you think?"

Roman shrugged off Deceit's hand, and turned away. He tried not to listen to Deceit, he really did. But his words hit a core inside him. The snake-skinned man had always had an aura of charisma, of course. But it was charisma and freedom. Deceit had the ability to hold power over the others. They listened to him. Thomas listened to Deceit's authority. Roman couldn't deny that thoughts of being brushed aside and unwanted had been plaguing his mind since Remus had payed a visit. Remus was able to demand attention of the others, his ideas being at least given a chance, while Roman was pushed aside for yet another video.

"Come on, Roman. Don't you want an adventure? Something more interesting than script writing?

Roman shook his head, and shoved those thoughts somewhere deep inside himself. That was no way to be thinking. Remus was listened to, sure, but was also despised by all of the others. At least the other's didn't hate him.

They didn't hate him, right?

"Right here, right now." Deceit said, hitting the table with his hand. "I put the offer out. I don't want to chase you down, I know you see it." Deceit's voice slipped easily into a low melody, playing into Roman's love of spontaneous song.

Deceit leaned over, and put one hand on Roman's waist. "You run with me, and I can cut you free." He made a snipping motion with his fingers in the prince's peripheral vision. He was here for a reason, he had a goal, and it was time to strive for it. "Out of the drudgery and walls you keep in."

Roman drew in a breath and tensed up a little.

"So trade that typical for something colourful! And if it's crazy, live a little crazy." Deceit said, slowly guiding Roman to face him. Deceit stared intensely into Roman's wide, slightly fearful eyes. "You can play it sensible, a king of conventional... Or you can risk it all and see?" Deceit shrugged nonchalantly, making Roman force his eyes away.

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