One Particular Phrase (Logince)

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Date Published: Mar 29, 2018
Word Count: 990
POV: Logan, 1st Person

Roman spoke Spanish. I knew that the prince has a soft spot for people who spoke other languages. It impressed him. I wanted so badly to impress him. However, I could never show him how much I wanted his praise, never show him how much I really cared what he thought.

I knew that I could never have Roman. Not in the way my heart desires. But,
I couldn't live without him, either. It was quite annoying. I felt pathetic, trying to impress him like I did. I even tried to sing along with a Disney movie once. I knew it was pointless, embarrassing, and ultimately pathetic.

To sooth myself, I came up with a way to give myself the allusion of being with him. In my dreams, I saw myself and him speaking in Spanish, like a secret language that no one else knew. However, I couldn't learn one language, so close to home with the prince, without him getting suspicious. So, I decided to learn a one particular phrase in a multitude of languages, that including Spanish.

I decided on "the prince is stupid." Because it implies that I have strong feelings for him, however in a different aspect than I actually wield. I went to a translate website, and learned the phrase in as many languages as I could in one sitting. French, Italian, German, Arabic, Japanese, Russian, and of course: Spanish.

I wrote each down on a piece of paper, careful to keep each line separate from one another.

French - Le prince est stupide
Italian - il principe è stupido
German - der Fürst ist dumm
Japanese - 皇子は愚かです
Russian - принц глуп
Spanish - el príncipe es estúpido

The list went on and on, until I had learned the phrase in 15 different languages.

I spent the next week using the phrase as much as possible, enjoying watching Roman flush as he tried to decide whether to be frustrated, or impressed. It felt so good, knowing that I could fluster him like that. However, I knew it was as close as I could get to Roman.

*Roman's POV*

"El príncipe es estúpido."

I nearly spat out my water as I heard Logan speak in Spanish. It was impressive, I wondered if he could actually speak all of these languages.
However, he was only using them to call me stupid, which was frightfully annoying. I stood up, and brushed past him, running to the common space.

I didn't know how to feel. It hurt that Logan thought I was stupid. Maybe he was right, but if he was, he didn't have to rub my academic struggles in my face constantly. However, I sensed that there was a reason he was doing so. 'Is he mad at me?'

I go flop down on the lounger, and hear a crumple of paper underneath me. I sit up, turning around curiously. On the lounger, was a piece of paper, now slightly crumpled, folded into perfect quarters. I grab the paper, and open it slowly. I nearly gasp out loud as I see what's on it. It was a list.

French - Le prince est stupide
Italian - il principe è stupido
German - der Fürst ist dumm
Japanese - 皇子は愚かです
Russian - принц глуп
Spanish - el príncipe es estúpido
Portuguese - o príncipe é estúpido
Arabic - الامير غبى
Dutch - De prins is dom
Hebrew - הנסיך טיפש
Romanian - Printul este prost

The list kept going. The single phrase repeated in so many different languages, I wondered how much time the person who wrote it spent putting it together. However, it was obvious who the author was: Logan.

Did he really hate me that much? To spend so much time trying to find ways to tell me how insignificant I am? I thought so, tears beginning to brim my eyes as I run my fingers over the words, until they hover over a large break in the list, starting over with a language that was earlier on the list. Spanish. I realized it was the start of a new list, with a new phrase.

Spanish - Te amo

I knew that phrase, too well. It was the first one I learned when I began Spanish.

The list continued:

German - Ich liebe Sie
Hebrew- אני אוהב אותך
Japanese - 私はあなたを愛します
Portuguese - Eu o amo
Italian - Io L'amo
French - Je vous aime

I trailed my finger over the list, it was written smaller, to fit more languages. It was written in more than the first: Icelandish, Sign Language, Arabic, Hindi, Chinese, Mandarin, Russian, Romanian, Native American Tongue, to name a few. I stopped as I reached the very last one in the list, which was slightly smudged with tears that weren't mine.

English - I love you

The paper fell from the grasp of my now shaking hands, as I was startled by someone running into the space.

"Where did I-- Roman!" I look up to see Logan, standing by the doorway, his glasses sliding down his nose, wearing a look of pure terror. "W-what are you doing here?"

I stood up, and walked over to him. His eyes flickered to the piece of paper on the floor. "I'm sorry, Roman. I didn't want you to find out this way... or at all." He mumbled under his breath.

I lifted his chin with my fingers. Staring into his beautiful brown eyes. I gently pressed my lips to his, brushing his soft lips for a fleeting second. I gave him a small smile, so happy that he didn't hate me, and said:

"Te amo también..."

(Translation from Spanish: I love you too.)


I got this idea from My Negative Thinking (Thomas's video). It just popped into my head and I wrote this without even finishing the video!

Speaking of which, I'm going back to that now (it's one of my favs :) )

Alrighty! See you soon ma beans!

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