Pacing Prep (Logicality)

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Unedited. Please point out mistakes so that I can fix them.
Date Published: Jun 12, 2018
Word Count: 853
POV: 3rd Person

Logan was pacing back in forth in front of his friends, wringing his hands, and adjusting his glasses for the upteenth time. He was lost in a sort of anxious daze, and his two friends, Roman and Virgil, sat on the couch, watching with a mix of concern and boredom.

See, Logan tended to overthink things. Tonight, he had a date with a man he had never met, with the exception of online. Today, they would meet for the first time, have dinner, talk a bit, maybe go on a walk... you know, the usual stuff. But, Logan, being Logan, was overthinking his choice to go out with this guy, Patton, and had worked himself into a frenzy.

Now, with less than half an hour before Patton was supposed to get here, he was pacing back and forth across his living room floor, in front of his roommate, Virgil, and his boyfriend.

"Logan?" Virgil finally broke the silence, and Logan abruptly stopped his pacing, whirling around with a harsh: "What?"

"Spit it out, nerd. What's bothering you?"

Logan took a deep breath. "Well, I mean, this guy, I've never met him before. I don't know him. He could be a catfish, he might not be real. I like facts and such because they're secure, and real. There's so many unknown variables in this situation, and it's making me nervous."

"What unknown variables?" Roman asked.

"Well, he might talk too fast, or ask me questions that I'm not prepared to answer, or he might want to hold my hand, or might call the waiters at the restaurant by their names, or eat food weirdly, or—"

"Logan, you're rambling again." Virgil commented, before his friend worked himself up even more.

"Oh, sorry. But, what if after all this time talking online, he meets me, and realizes that he doesn't like me? What if he doesn't like me, and doesn't want to talk to me anymore? What if I disappoint him? I would feel awful, and I hate... feelings." Logan shuddered. "You know what? Maybe I should just cancel. I don't want to risk—"

"Logan, darling." Roman caught the worried man's attention once more. "Anxious isn't a good look on you. Maybe you're being just a tad, I don't know, defensive?"

"Falsehood!" Logan cried. "I'm just being safe, that's all." He said, as he launched back into his endless pacing. "You can't be too careful, you know. He seemed sincere, but I could've miscalculated. I mean, he could be a criminal for all we know!"

"Logan, he's not a psycho." Virgil assured him, mildly surprised that it was Logan questioning everything, when it was usually himself who had nervous breakdowns before anything and everything.

"You don't know that!" Logan was pacing so hard, that it was a miracle that he hadn't worn through the carpet.

"What if he's a stalker? Or, or, or, colourblind, or, or... something!?" Logan carded a hand through his hair, as he stammered. "Or, or he could be rude, or mean, o-or, nice, very nice, he could have beautiful eyes, be very attractive, make me feel things, or make me laugh, or..."

Logan trailed off. "W-What if... what if I... like him? What if he makes my heart race, or make me want to kiss him?"

"What do I do then?" Logan was almost whispering now.

Roman and Virgil were lost for words. They looked at each other, then back at their friend. Both were trying to find something to say. Roman found his voice first, though.

"Well... then you kiss him. You should go on this date, and see where it goes." He paused. "I know that you like plans and structure, but, sometimes the best plan, is no plan at all."

Logan stood still, processing what Roman had said, when the doorbell rang.

Patton was here.

The three friends froze, all looking at each other.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Virgil asked. "Go get the door, nerd."


Sorry for the shortness and less than optimal quality of this one, I just felt really bad about not posting in over a month. I'm the actual worst.

I'm so sorry, and I know a lot of you have requests, and I will get around to them. I have only a couple weeks of school left, before I can really sit down and focus on writing. (Including doing some collabs that I'm excited about, but my life has been so hectic, and hopefully I can write them with my partners over the summer)

I am going to really try and post in this book more often, but that might mean that you guys get some shorter one-shots, or some that are literally just dialogue.

Because small updates are better than none at all.

Again, so sorry for not being on here in forever. And 28k reads? I'm so grateful!

I don't know if people actually read these A/N, so I'm going to leave it here. Have a good day!

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