Smile Button (Logicality)

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Note at the bottom 👇👇👇

Also, warning for extreme Logan and Patton cuteness. Don't pass out guys. XD

Also... unedited lol
Date Published: Apr 22, 2018
Word Count: 1136
POV: 3rd Person

Logan didn't smile.

At least, not very often. Not... for real.

He got used to plastering in fake smiles in videos, but he doesn't genuinely smile.

Patton noticed this about Logan, and was determined to find a way to make him smile.

He'd originally tried his dad jokes, shooting them out every chance he could, in hopes that the logical side would crack, smile, even just a little bit.

But, that never seemed to work.

Even when Patton used nerdy puns, it only seemed to impress Logan slightly, but earning Patton no more than Logan's raised eyebrows.

Patton had attempted, and failed, in many other ways.

He tried tickling him, but apparently, Logan wasn't ticklish. That, or Patton just couldn't tickle.

Patton tried watching Big Hero 6 with him, hoping that one of the scenes would make him smile. But, no avail.

He tried complimenting him, but he only ever received a mildly surprised, "Why thank you, Patton." From the logical side.

He even attempted to telepathically send Logan smiles, since nothing else seemed to work.


The feat seemed impossible.

Patton had pretty much given up hope completely by this point, and sighed a little as he gazed at the logical side, who was sitting to the left of him, scribbling furiously in his notebook about who-knows-what.

Logan was frowning, brows furrowed in focus. There was a pause in his flow of writing, and Patton watched as Logan scrunched up his nose, before violently crossing out something he'd written with a low groan of frustration.

"Logan, you okay, kiddo?"

"'M fine." Logan responds, not even looking up from his notebook.

"Why don't you take a break? You've been at it for hours!" Patton says, gently reaching a hand out, and placing it supportively on his shoulder.

Logan sighs, and sets his notebook aside, dropping his pen on top of it, and running his hand through his hair, coursing his fingers through the soft brown strands. Logan relaxes against the back of the couch, slouching in defeat. His face is still grimacing with concern.

"What's wrong, Logan?"

Logan mutters something about how he can't seem to get any work done, and they're so behind, to which Patton just shakes his head a little and says:

"Logan, just leave that behind for now. Don't stress about it. We'll be just fine. Now turn that frown upside-down!"

Logan grumbles, leafing a hand through his hair again.

"Come on, Logie!" Patton sighs, exasperated. He reaches forward, pointing towards the logical sides face, and swirls his index finger in circles.

"Smile button.... boop!" Patton gently bops Logan on the nose.

And then, slowly, a smile curved it's way into Logan's face. A real, genuine, smile. One that showed his teeth, and reached his eyes. A small, barely audible chuckle escapes the logical side's lips.

Patton just sat there, eyes wide, mouth agape, finger extended, and hand in mid-air, staring at the other.

"Are you... smiling?" Patton asked in disbelief.

"Huh? No! Of course not, that's ridiculous." Logan countered, dropping the smile from his features.

"Really?" Patton said cheekily, idea forming in his head. "Well, maybe you'd smile... if I pushed your smile button... boop!" Patton tapped Logan's nose once more, and again, a grin made its way onto the smarter man's face.

Logan tried desperately to stifle his smile, but Patton saw it, and was now bouncing a little in his seat giddily, fawning over the logical side.

Patton was so pleased that he'd managed to figure out how to get his friend to smile, albeit unintentionally, it still made the moral side ecstatic nevertheless.

So, every time the logical side looked a little blue, or seemed a little more emotionless than normal, Patton would push his "smile button" and Logan could never help the grin on his face, or the little laughs that escaped his lips.

After a particularly rough day, Logan sat alone in his room, unable to contain himself. He shook and trembled as his walls came crashing down, and sobs overtook him. He sat there, tears streaming down his face and soaking his collar, and his body wracked with sobs.

Patton thought he heard something odd coming from the logical side's room, and he paused outside of it, before knocking softly on the door to Logan's room. "Logan? Is everything okay in there, kiddo?" When there was no response, he pushed open the door.

Patton was surprised to see Logan underneath his desk, curled in on himself, face buried in his knees, and rocking back and forth as sob after sob shuddered through him. Logan's arms were wrapped tightly around his knees and his nails dig into his forearms painfully. His glasses were askew and his tie undone around his neck, and his hair messy, indicating the many times he'd forced his hand through it.

"Oh my god, Logan, what happened?" Patton asked, rushing over to crouch down beside the wooden desk, peering at the trait would sat hunched beneath it.

Logan shook his head, silently telling the moral side that he didn't want to discuss it. Patton respected his wishes, but crawled under the desk to sit beside him. The father-like trait reached for Logan, but hesitated.

"May I touch you?" He asked.

The logical side nodded, whimpering a little, and Patton placed his hand on the other's back, methodically rubbing soothing circles across it.

"Hey, you're okay..." Patton cooed. "You're okay, everything is going to be just fine."

Patton continued to whisper sweet nothings and praise to the logical side, until the smarter man raised his head, long trails of tears tumbling over his cheeks. Logan wiped at his eyes, slipping his fingers under the frames of his glasses to do so, before turning to look at Patton. Patton smiled. "That's it, Logan. See? You're okay."

Patton shot Logan a small smile, before tapping his nose. "Smile button... boop!"

Logan began to laugh, though it was breathy due to his laboured breathing and racing heart. But he laughed just the same, smiling with watery eyes.

"T-Thank you, Patton."

"Anytime, Logie."

Hey 👋

A little Logicality adorableness for you beans.

Anyway, I wanted to say thank you to all of you for 16k reads!!!!!

That's awesome you guys!

I'm sorry, I've been really bad about saying thank you to all of you, but this is amazing and I'm so so grateful! I wanted to say something at 14k, but then I gained 2k reads in like, 5 days. And that's a lot of reads you guys.

Y'all are ridiculous.

Anyway thank you so much, love you all, and I'll see you next time!

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