Hero (Royality)

903 60 24

Date Published: Nov 10, 2019
Word Count: 1784
POV: 3rd Person

Patton was sitting with his hands clenched tightly in his lap, in a position that was the most comfortable that he could manage while dressed in a turtleneck, jacket, grey knitted scarf, and two pairs of mittens layered on top of each other. It was a frosty winter day, with ice crystals in the air, chilly enough that Patton could have seen his breath if his eyes were open. His back was pressing into the cold metal of the grey folding chair that he was sitting on, and both of his feet were planted firmly on the concrete ground, laced up inside of boots that weren't doing a fantastic job of keeping his toes warm. However, Patton's mind was far from the temperature, and was instead on the ring on his left land, that circled his finger underneath his layered gloves. His husband, Roman, was wearing a matching one in wherever he was now. It kept them connected, regardless of how far apart the two might seem.

The couple had known each other since they were children, and even then, Roman had been the brave and adventurous one. Patton remembered that they would play pretend a lot, because that was Roman's favourite game. In almost every variation, Roman would ask if Patton would play the princess, so that he could be the knight and save him from the wicked witch. Patton never took much convincing. But even beyond the make-believe, Patton recalled that Roman was always intent on being the hero. He would carry his school ruler like a great weapon, and would never miss the chance to show off his squire-worthy courage. So, in hindsight, it shouldn't have been a surprise that Roman would grow up to join the military.

To be fair, Patton had pretty much figured it out back when they became high school sweethearts however many years ago. It seemed so long ago now... The nights that the two would go dancing, when Roman would slip his arm around Patton's waist and lower him in to spectacular dips. The days that they would make eye contact across classrooms. The weekends where they'd sneak away to see each other in hopes that their parents wouldn't find out. It was in those times that Patton really noticed the way Roman was so quick to put himself in harm's way to protect his loved ones, Patton included, was of course admirable, but also foretelling. Patton had known, even then, that his partner would never be satisfied with simply working to help the economy. No, he would want to fight for his country, in honour and valour, as Roman would have said.

Roman joined the armed forces soon after his nineteenth birthday, Patton could remember the day that Roman told him about his decision. They had been sitting at their usual coffee shop. On the corner of Main Street on the edge of down town. It had been only three blocks away from their old apartment, so they used to walk. They had been sitting on the outside patio. It was fall, yes, there were leaves falling from the potted trees around them. Patton couldn't remember what coffee they were drinking, or even what they were wearing. But, he could see perfectly the glint of excitement in the eye of the man across from him. The one that Roman always got before he embarked on a "new adventure". Patton could still feel the prick of tears in his eyes as he realized the truth and earnestness in the words that Roman had been spilling, but how could he have ever said no to those eyes? To him? He had never been able to, and likely never would have.

The image in Patton's mind shifted, to ones of Roman trying on his green ground uniform for the first time, and how he had playfully put his helmet on Patton's head. Though, Roman's head had always been bigger than his own, just as he had always been much taller, so the helmet slipped down over his eyes and knocked his glasses off of his face, which had of course lead to giggling and kissing and ignoring the nearing of the day that Roman was going to be called away to some foreign country. He could see the day that his counterpart had gotten the call, and could remember the first and only time that he ever could remember seeing fear in those beautiful eyes of his. But, he remembered how strong Roman had looked on his way across the tarmac towards the jet, tall and handsome and heroic.

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