Kiss It Better (Moxiety)

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I'm back!!!!

I'm so excited!!!

As you can probably tell from my many exclamation marks, I'm done my musical, and am now back to hopefully start writing more often again!

Over the course of my break, I got so many ideas for stories, and I came and wrote them all down, and I'm so excited to write them!

I even got some ideas for full length books, but I'm not going to start them yet, I don't think. I will soon, but I need to catch up on all of the school work I have to do first. But, I have two ideas for Logicality/Prinxiety books. (Both books will include both ships), and also, I've been working on an Analogical book too!


I know I have a couple requests to do, and I promise I'll get around to them, but I really wanted to do this one first!

Alrighty. I'm so happy to be back! I missed you all so much!

Okay, enough of me babbling, let's start the story.

Date Published: Mar 18, 2018
Word Count: 1935
POV: 3rd Person

The first time it'd happened was back when they were young. Only about six or so.

Virgil, at the time, was quite new to the Mindspace. Not very powerful yet, but definitely there, definitely present, definitely played a role.


Patton had been in the kitchen, pouring himself some orange juice, when a shrill scream tore through the Mindspace. He jumped in surprise, and dropped the carton of orange juice, causing it to splatter all over the floor. But, he didn't notice, as once he had recovered, had sprinted off in the direction of the noise to check on his friends.

Patton had found Virgil in the hallway, cradling his left hand in his other arm, and crying softly.

"Viwgil!" Patton cried, dropping to his knees in front of the anxious trait. (It took Patton longer to get over his child-like lisp and mispronunciations than the other three) "Awe you okay?!"

Virgil looked up, and took a shaky breath. "I-I slammed-d-d my f-fuh-*hic*-ingers in the do-*hic*-or..."

"Oh, Viwgil! I'm sowwy! Let me see..." Patton had them gently took Virgil's left hand in his own, and examined the damage. They appeared to be fine, likely just a little bruising. "Shh... you'we okay... don't cwy!" Patton tried to reassure Virgil. But, Virgil couldn't stop his tears.

"Here... I'wl kiss it bettaw, okay?"

Patton had then raised Virgil's hand to his lips, and he gently pressed a kiss to his fingers.

Virgil had looked a little surprised, but then smiled a little. He used his uninjured hand to wipe tears from his face, and then rubbed his eyes, before turning his face to give Patton a shakey smile.

"T-Th-Thanks *hic* Pat..."


The second time had been a couple months later, on Thomas' seventh birthday.


Patton was watching through the screen in the common space. The one that allowed the traits to see through Thomas' eyes. Patton watched in excitement as Thomas' mom brought out the birthday cake.

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