The Devil Wears Prada (An AU) - Part Three

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Because the demand for more of this AU was INSANE.

TW: Remus, sexual innuendoes (yet again, Remus), mentions of sex/casual sex, some kissing (gasp), cursing/swearing, insults/general meanness, mentions of suicide (very very brief), and also some more Logan in high heels content.
Date Written: June 19, 2020
Word Count: 4873
POV: Omnipotent Narrator, 1st Person

Now, as we begin the third chapter, you might currently be thinking about Remy. Because I flickered between him and Logan a lot in the first chapter. However, you may have noticed that I took you along to follow Logan around for the majority of the last chapter. This is true. So, while Logan gets himself sorted at home after his first day, let's check in with Remy Louis, shall we? What's he up to?

Well, Remy is currently lying on his bed. It's big and beautiful, and bathed in the warm light of the setting sun that filters through the curtains of his first class bedroom window. The mattress is covered with bright white sheets and duvets, with gold and silver accents. The white cloth-covered bed frame matches the fluffy carpet, and the translucent chiffon curtains that blow softly in the warm evening breeze that flows through the open top floor window.

The bedroom is a sleep heaven.

Remy's pride and joy, his leather jacket, has been carefully hung over the doorknob of his closet. His stiletto shoes have been kicked off somewhere near the front entranceway, alongside another pair that aren't his own. The second set belong to the young man who lies on his back underneath Remy. Remy, who is currently pressing featherlight kisses down the other's neck.

Emile hums appreciatively, as he laces his fingers into the strands of Remy's hair. The whole scene is relaxed, and unrushed. It's sweet, and soft. Casual, and unheated. This is familiar. They've done this before.

We've met Emile briefly already, and have gotten a glimpse at his and Remy's relationship through Logan's eyes. However, their relationship is much more complicated than what it seems to be on the surface, at work. I can't really explain to you what their relationship is in terms that already exist. To be fair, Remy and Emile don't really know what to call it either. They like to think that they stand somewhere around the vicinity of friends. Because they aren't quite friends with benefits, and they certainly aren't dating. They're just... their own definition of friends?

Remy carefully slots his lips against Emile's. There's no urgency, or lechery. It holds only cotton candy and the warm hug of steam that wafts from morning coffee. The two of them have never gone any further than this. It's only delicate kisses, and nothing beyond that. However, it's not that Emile would refuse if Remy offered. In fact, Remy has no idea if Emile would say no or not, because he has too many reservations to ever bring it up. So, they don't really talk about it. About them, or about what any of this means.

Because, there are only two things in this world that truly terrify Remy. He'd never say what, if anyone were to ask. So, I'll tell you myself. Remy Louis is only truly terrified of two things. The first, is Deceit. The second, is Emile Picani. Or, more specifically, the idea of having to confront the feelings that he has towards Emile Picani. Remy has a reputation, you see. He's the homewrecker. He maintains a string of one-night stands. He doesn't particularly care who each one is with. He's fair game on all fronts, and is very well known by the staff at almost every bar in the city. His reputation precedes him. He has his rules, though, which we've heard earlier. One night, all night, no cuddles, and no repeats. He never spends the night with the same person twice.

This is, perhaps, one of the many reasons Remy is scared to think too long about Emile Picani. He keeps things casual, and gentle, and refuses to talk about it. Maybe, it's because Remy thinks that the way he's slept around puts him below Emile, and Remy will tarnish him. Maybe, it's because Emile makes Remy want to break his own rules, the ones that have protected his cold and caged heart for years. Maybe, it's because Remy wants to cuddle. Maybe, it's because Remy knows that if he gives in, he's going to want more than one night. Maybe, it's because he doesn't know what he'll do if he admits that he wants to invite Emile to break the rules with him. Maybe, it's because he's scared that if he does, Emile will say no.

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