Pet Names (LAMP/Logince)

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Hi beans!

Just so you know, although this is a LAMP fic, it is more Logince centred. But, the polyam relationship is still there.

Okay, that's it!

I hope you like it!


Logan sat at the kitchen table, located in the common space, sipping his morning coffee, while watching as his boyfriends each prepared their own breakfast.

They had begun dating a couple months ago. That is, Logan, Roman, Patton, and Virgil, of course. Even though recently he was indulging in the more emotional aspects of their relationship, many things still made Logan uncomfortable, or nervous.

Take physical contact, for example. Logan doesn't do hugs, as Anxiety kindly puts it. Or, at least he didn't, until the others began to expect that kind of thing from him. Especially Patton, who is constantly seeking out cuddles and embraces from Logan, and Logan still doesn't really know how to respond, where to put his hands, that kind of thing.

Emotional support was another thing. When one of the others was being overly emotional, like when Virgil has an anxiety attack, sometimes, they come to Logan. Logan has zero clue how to help them. The best thing seems to be hugs and kisses, but that plays back into the physical contact bit, which makes the whole thing worse, almost launching Logan into a panic attack himself.

But, as you would expect, over the past two months, Logan has become better equipped to handle those types of interactions, even if they still make him squeamish. His boyfriends know that showing affection can make the logical side nervous, and there are some things that they kindly excluded him from.

Like, Roman's pet names.

Roman has always been the romantic one, and he practically pounced on the opportunity to give them each a nickname.

The first one came almost naturally, only a week or so after they'd begun dating.


Patton had been making cookies, and was rolling out some of the dough, when Roman had risen up into the common space.

Logan, from his place at the table, where he had been doing one of his crossword puzzles, looked up to watch as Roman meandered across the kitchen.

The prince slid his hands around Morality's waist, hugging him from behind.

"What are you baking, Patton dearest?" Roman asked, as he tried to nick some of the dough from the bowl.

Patton giggled, and slapped his hand away playfully. "You'll find out when they're done, mister. Hands out!"

Roman chuckled, and kissed Patton's temple lovingly. "Yes, dear."


Ever since, Patton was referred to as some variation of the word 'dear'.

Whether it be "Patton dearest", "my dear", or just plain old "dear", the pet name was always constant.

But, of course, Patton wasn't the only one with a pet name. Virgil had accumulated one of his own about a month ago.


Roman and Logan had been eating breakfast, and Virgil shuffled in slowly, rubbing his eyes sleepily, and yawning. His messy hair, along with his hands tucked into the sleeves of his old black hoodie, which had been downgraded into pyjamas, only made him look more adorable.

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