The Discovery (No Ship)

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No ship today because they're all chillren :p

I was told by many people that they'd like to read this story, so here it is. It's unfinished, just like how I found it, but that's because I have no idea what past me was thinking and have no clue how to end it. Anyway, for those of you who don't know, I found this short story on my laptop yesterday, that I wrote weeks and weeks ago... and it's really dark man. I have to say I'm a little concerned for past me, but here we are.

So, please stop reading if you're uncomfortable.

With that being said, here are the trigger warnings:

TRIGGER WARNINGS: Death, blood, interaction with a dead body, cursing, shock (Like the condition).
Date Published: Dec 21, 2019
Word Count: 2168
POV: 3rd Person

"Guys... what do we do?"

Logan was, for maybe the first time in his young life, at a complete loss for what to do in this situation. Nothing that he'd learned in his third grade classroom could've even remotely prepared him for something of this magnitude of severity to happen, and what plan of action to take. He was standing with his ankles buried in fall leaves, along the edge of a rock-bottom creek that was just off the side of the main forest hiking trail. The one that lead to the old treehouse that he and his friends went to play in sometimes. Well, more accurately, his friends played, and Logan spent the whole time telling them how the whole thing was stupid and a waste of time. The others often asked why he came, then. But, he'd never admit that it was because he secretly enjoyed it. In fact, he and his group of schoolboy friends were on their way there before they'd been... sidetracked.

The nine-year-old boy had his arms drawn tightly across his chest, as it was much cooler down by the river than it had been on the dirt path that was up the hill from them now. He had brought a sweater, but he'd given it to his friend Patton after he complained about being chilly, however the slightly younger boy had just ended up tying the thing around his neck and zooming down the trail ahead of them, arms outstretched, and squealing: "I'm Superman! On my way to save the princess!" Which bothered Logan to no end, because if he was going to be silly and pretend he was someone he wasn't, he should at least get the universe right. Oh well, none of that mattered anymore. All of Logan's previous worries had all paled in comparison to this.

Logan shivered, but forced it away, and he didn't know if it was because of the cold, or if it was instead of the image in front of him. He realized that his legs were shaking, like they might collapse under his weight. He was trembling like a leaf, and upon this realization he clenched his muscles to try to stop it. He looked around, after not receiving a response from any of his friends, to see that they'd all become preoccupied. Roman was trying to comfort a crying Virgil, who was curled up in a ball and wedged between two fallen trees. He'd run over there after a moment of stunned silence that the group had shared upon their discovery. Patton must've stepped back at some point, as now he was several feet away. He still had Logan's sweater around his shoulders, but his smile was gone, replaced with a horrified, wide eyed expression with both of his hands clapped over his mouth, staring endlessly at the mound at Logan's feet. Dee had been so caught off guard that he'd staggered backward, but his foot had gotten caught on a root, sending him sprawling into the small stream beside them. He must've gotten out of the water while Logan was zoned out, as the shivering boy was now facing away from him, peeling off his now soaked yellow knitted sweater.

Logan looked back down at the black mound on disturbed ground at his feet. It was half covered by golden and rust coloured leaves in a way that looked like they were trying to blanket it. Like a mother who'd tucked in her son. The mound was a little wedged under the remains of a fallen tree, that was hollowed out and covered in soft green moss and lichen. The bark of the tree was ashy and gray, and was sheltering the cloth below from weather. The sound of the running water nearby and the cool breeze were the kind of things that made autumn Logan's favourite season. But, it all was tainted, and the juxtaposition somehow made this whole thing worse, and Logan felt his stomach swirl uneasily. His brain was fuzzy, and he couldn't think anymore. Next thing he knew, he was lowering himself to the ground, so that he was crouched down beside it. He should flip it over...

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