Afternoon Heart Race (Royality)

446 27 69

Date Written: Sept 26, 2020
Word Count: 3311
POV: 3rd Person

The wind pushes through Roman's hair as he speeds down towards the pier. His bike jostles and the wheels screech beneath him as he gains momentum, plummeting in the direction of the dock, the one that oversees the lake. The water is too bright to look at, the late afternoon sun sending reflections searing off of the surface. Roman squints, hands gripping the rubber handlebars like they're his lifeline, fighting their urge to turn with every bump on the uneven ground. The large oak tree grows rapidly in front of him as he approaches, racing towards him at marvelous speed. Roman is mere feet away from it when he pulls the brakes as hard as he can. His bike skids to a stop with an inertia that almost sends Roman flying right over the handlebars. He manages to not hit the tree, but it's terribly close, and Roman is inches away from his nose meeting bark.

He's off the seat in an instant, the metal of the bicycle frame clatters as it hits the ground. It's abandoned without the bat of an eye, as the rider begins a victory dance. Roman pumps his fists into the air as he jumps around, whooping and hollering at a volume that cuts through the quiet of the pier like butter. "I win, I win, na-na-na-na-na-na!" Roman sings, as another bike rolls unevenly to a stop beside his own discarded one.

Patton drapes himself over the front of his bicycle as he puffs for breath. "It's not fair! You're so much faster than me, I can't keep up!" Patton's voice is breathless and gaspy.

Roman pauses his celebration for a moment, crossing his arms over his chest as he looks at his best friend. "Maybe you'd be faster if you didn't have training wheels." Roman teases.

Patton scrunches up his nose, and he pulls himself off of his bike. He sticks his tongue out at Roman, before carefully pushing down the bike stand with his foot, just like his mother taught him to. He kicks at the white training wheels fastened to the back wheel, with a frown.

Roman isn't paying attention anymore, though. He's already turned to the tree, sizing it up with a glint in his eyes, mapping out the best route in his head. He's climbed it before, he knows where the strong branches are. "I'll race you to the top." Roman says, as he digs his toes into the dirt, ready to take off.

He's about to start running when he hears Patton protest behind him. "Wait-- Wait, I'm stuck." Patton's voice strains with effort.

Roman looks over his shoulder, to see Patton struggling with the strap of his helmet. He's tugging on it harshly, unable to get it undone.

"You want some help?" Roman offers, relaxing from his ready-position.

Patton sighs, as his hands drop in defeat. "Okay. Yes, please." He says, rounding his bike to stand closer to the other boy.

Roman walks up to him, and Patton raises his chin to present the clasp to him. Patton looks away, eyes searching the sky as Roman grabs hold of the plastic clasp. The helmet is white, blue, and purple, with Queen Elsa on the side. Roman doesn't have a helmet, he's never worn one, he doesn't think. But, if his parents ever do decide to get him one, he thinks he'd like to have a Disney one too. Maybe he'd get Anna, so that they can match. Or, maybe he'd get Lightning McQueen, 'cause he's so fast. And he's red. Red is Roman's favourite.

He holds the holding part of the clasp steady with one hand, and he pinches the forked side with all his might. He fumbles with it for a moment, apologizing quickly when his knuckles push a little too forcefully against Patton's jaw. "It's okay." Patton reassures him. The clasp clicks undone moments later.

"There." Roman says, as the open ends of the rough strap fall away from each other, and he steps back.

"Thanks." Patton eases the helmet off of his head, and sets it on top of the bike seat. His dusty blonde curls fall free, some poking up at odd angles, disgruntled from the headgear. He fixes his glasses, the lenses are big and round, held in place by thin gold wires.

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