An Update On My Platform, and Where We're Going from Here (A/N)

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Hi all!

So, I promised a couple of days ago that I'd make an announcement regarding the future of my platform and my books. I've come to a couple of decisions overall during the last couple months of my break. Please know that I didn't make these decisions lightly, and have come from a couple months of really thinking about updates, update schedules, editing, and of course how all of these things affect you guys and your experience when reading my stories.

I am not a consistent uploader. You can clearly see that from books like "Addicted to Coffee", that got updated twice daily for almost two weeks. Or books like "The Alters" that get updates about once to twice a month (with the exception of my last couple months on break). Then there's books like "Old Souls" and "30 Days", which haven't been uploaded in far too long. My inspiration for books comes and goes, and sometimes I have new motivation, sometimes I don't. The way I'm uploading now, one chapter at a time, whenever I feel like working on a story, is not really working out for anybody. Oftentimes, books take months upon months to write, and my writing style has changed dramatically over that time. The lack of ability to edit my story as I go makes the book feel incohesive, which I think makes the experience harder for you all. There's also a lot of pressure to update books because I know how hard it is to wait indefinitely for a book update, and it's hard to get invested and enjoy the experience that way. A lot of people prefer reading completed books. Also, I've already had to discontinue a book about a year ago because I knew that I was never going to finish it. It broke my heart to have to do that, and it was hard on all of you who read it to not get a conclusion to a story that you were (hopefully) invested in. But that's just how writing goes. Some books never leave the draft stage.

There's one more thing. The two books that I am most proud of from my entire time here on Wattpad are entitled "Framework" and "A Study in Scarlet". Both stories were posted as one complete story, just how normal books are published. Not only that, but they're the ONLY of my stories to be published that way. And I don't think that that's a coincidence.

So, I've come to a decision that I think will make things better for both you and me. From here on out, novels will be published as a whole story when they are finished, not chapter to chapter. A book will be posted in its final form, all parts at once. This means a couple of things:

Uploads will be infrequent, but each one will be a completed book! So hopefully they take you a while to read.

Now, I know a lot of you must be wondering what the state of my current books is. The ones that are incomplete, and are in the midst of being written. None of them are being cancelled. All of them are going to continue to be written behind the scenes. All chapters going to be removed, down to the exception of this update (which will also be posted on every book that will be affected by this announcement) until they are finished. Don't worry, though! They're going to come back! New and improved and better than ever! They will be posted again when the story is complete, and you can read the entirety of the story at that time.

There are a few exceptions to this new rule. The following books will continue on their current chapter to chapter update schedule:

"Sanders Sides One Shots and Shorts" (Because it's only short stories, there's no cohesive narrative.)

"Write This In Your Style/WTIYS - Sanders Sides" (Same reason as above)

"Incorrect Sanders Sides Quotes" (Same reason as above)

"The Search" (This is an interactive novel, and the course of the story does depend on audience participation throughout. Thank you for your patience between uploads on this one.)

"Happy Book" (Because it's not actually a story at all :p)

If the book you're reading isn't on that above list, or is not already completed, that means that tomorrow, after about 24 hours after this update is posted, all currently posted chapters of this story will be removed, with the exception of this one, until the story is finished. Please please don't worry, this story is not cancelled!! In fact, the opposite. This decision I think will actually help me finish this book faster, because I'll feel better about the overall result and want to continue writing it! This book is coming back, in it's full form!! I'm leaving this chapter on the story, not only for people who aren't on Wattpad right now, and come looking for this story, but also so that you all can get a notification when this book is actually finished.

Please know that this decision isn't one I came to overnight. I made it because I honestly believe that it'll improve the experience for both you and me if we do it this way. I've tried other things before in the past, and I actually feel like this will make a huge improvement in not only my writing, but your reading experience as well.

I do want to address one more thing before I sign off. I have received immeasurable support for each and every one of my books, completed or otherwise. I want to thank each and every one of you for your patience, understanding, and incredible empathy towards me as I've sorted myself, my platform, and my life out. You all mean so much to me, and I can't begin to express what Wattpad has done for me throughout these past two years. I wouldn't give it up. Thank you for putting your faith in me, a little nobody writer in her teens who just wants to tell stories, and for making my life so much better. I hate to ask you all to wait on these stories that you've already invested so much into, but I really think that this is the best thing to do.

You're all so incredible. I'm so fortunate to have my life cross with all of yours, and I know that I'm better off for it. Thank you for your unwavering support.

I hope that you, your loved ones, and the people in your life are all safe and happy in these crazy unbeknownst times in the world. I wish you all so so much happiness. I am so happy to be back on this platform after my break, and I'm so excited to get back to writing these books.

This book is coming back for you, don't worry!

Until next time, with all the love in the world,

Tana (@MT_Reade)

Sanders Sides One Shots & ShortsWhere stories live. Discover now