Debate (Analogical)

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Date Published: Dec 17, 2017
Word Count: 807
POV: Virgil, 1st Person

It had been a few weeks since Thomas's "Negative Thinking" video. Or, as I like to think of it, the debate between myself and Logic. Since then, I had actually realized that I liked debating. Although I'd never admit it, I would always try to find a way to debate something with Logan. We'd debate over politics, books, sleeping schedules, anything really. Many times, I wouldn't even disagree with him, but I would play Devil's Advocate in order to debate with him. However, after weeks of seeking out ways to talk with the logical side, it was only today that I realized: that I don't do it for just the debates.

As much as I'd like to tell myself that I only like debating with Logan for the fun of the debate, it was more to be able to spend time with him. Watch his eyes light up with hidden knowledge and pride whenever he spouted out some random fact. But, I realized that my favorite part of the whole debate, would be the end, when one of us would eventually concede, and Logic would walk up to me, shake my hand, and would thank me. He would smile, one of the only genuine smiles that I would probably ever receive from the so called "emotionless" side. It always made me happy, originally, I thought it was the debate. However, I realized that it was the fact that I had gotten that smile from him, and that I was one of the few people to ever see it, that made me so happy.

I realized today, while I was re-watching the Negative Thinking video again, that I did it for Logan. That I liked debating only because I debated with him. I realized this, and I recognized the signs immediately. "No. No I can't like him. Like that. No! He's just a friend. I debate with him because I like debating, not because I like him."

~Time Skiiiip~

"As my closing statement, I would like to review all that I've discussed so far. Snapchat is unsafe for Thomas to use, due to the fact that they store pictures in their database, thereby owning every picture that you ever send, it also results in competitive notions between friends to receive the highest 'streak' or follower count, and most importantly, it would give him another way to become attached to his phone, which, in my opinion, he is too much as it is." Logic pushed up his glasses.

"And, as my closing statement, I say that Thomas is being judged by the fact that he is one of the only people that he knows who doesn't have Snapchat. Also, the filters to help with pictures make him feel better about himself." I could see that Logic wasn't going to back off from his "opposing Snapchat" stance, so I conceded, like I usually do. I really didn't care about winning, just spending time with him. I sighed. "Alright, whatever. You win, Nerd." Logan smirked, adjusting his tie as he came out from behind his side of the table. I stood up, and walked towards him. I held out my hand for him to shake, just like always. He gripped it, and shook it, still smirking. "Anxiety?" I raised an eyebrow. "Hm?" I expected the usual, 'thanks for debating' or whatever. "I'm glad you debate with me." I nod. "Because you like debating, though not because you like me."

I froze. He must have heard me this morning. 'What if he doesn't want to debate with me anymore? What if he judged me? What if..?' My thought were cut off, when I felt something soft press against my lips. Logan's lips were pressed gently against mine, his eyes closed for the fleeting moment. Before I could kiss back, though, he pulled away. He adjusted his glasses, pushing them up on his nose. I felt myself blush deeply, and saw the smirk on Logic's face grow. I gripped his silky blue tie in my hand, and pulled him towards me. I caught his lips in mine, and kissed him. I slid my hands around is waist, over his hips, and he shivered at the contact. I felt his arms slip loosely around my neck, as he began kissing me back. I smiled into the kiss, deepening it. We pulled away a couple of seconds later, and just stared at each other for a moment.

"Don't get too cocky, Logan. I'll beat you next time." He smirked again. He kissed me lightly on the cheek, before saying, "You wish." as he stalked away from me, and out of the room.

I'm siiiiick :(

Well, that means I'm not stuck at school and can catch up on my writing!

Anyway, have a good day ma beans!

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