Resolutions (LAMP)

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Date Published: Jan 4, 2018
Word Count: 1462
POV: 3rd Person

Virgil looks around the common space, where he sees Logan sitting beside him, Roman sitting across from him, both looking equally confused, and Patton, who was sitting to the left of Virgil at the head of the table, grinning widely in anticipation.

"Hello, Patton. How may we be of assistance?" Logan asked.

Patton could hardly contain his excitement. "Well, it's New Years Eve!"

He looked at the faces of his boyfriends expectantly, but, was greeted with pure confusion.

"You all know what people do on New Years Eve!" Patton encouraged.

"People stay up into the late hours of the evening to celebrate the coming of the next year!" Roman exclaimed, clapping his hands together. "Patton, are you suggesting that we have a party?"

The faces of both Logan and Virgil contorted into either a scowl or grimace at this suggestion. "Well," Patton began, "Some people do that, and we can if you want to. But, I was referring to New Years Resolutions! We always help Thomas make some for himself, but I thought that maybe, this year, we can make some for ourselves!"

Logan and Virgil look at each other. The two of them have always been against New Years. Logan found it to be an excuse for people to "Behave like animals, and get too drunk to function". Though, his distaste was often due to that last piece, the drunken bit. Because something strange happened to Logan whenever Thomas drank, which isn't too often, it's usually by mistake. But, that doesn't change the fact that Logan doesn't like the idea of going into that state again. Virgil, on the other hand, just "doesn't like people, okay?", especially large groups of people, who insist on trying to talk to him, and get him to drink some unknown substance. Virgil just doesn't like parties in general.

But, it doesn't seem like they're going to have much say in the matter, as Patton already started.

"I'll go first!" Patton squeals. "Remember, we can always help each other with our resolutions, too."

Roman nods encouragingly, while Logan sighs and nods, and Virgil buries himself in his hoodie.

"Okay." Patton's smile falters slightly as he takes a deep breath. "My resolution, is to not bottle up my emotions, and try to approach someone if I need help. Let myself be sad, every once in a while." Patton looked up, smiling bitter-sweetly.

"My doors are always open for you to come talk to me, Patton, dearest. I will be happy to vanquish any villain in order to protect you, even if that villain is your own inner demons." Roman rests a reassuring hand on Patton's shoulder.

"Patton, though I may not be able to understand emotions very well, I'm always here if you desire to talk about them. I might be able to add a, er, more accurate outlook on issues that you may be facing." Logan added.

"Me too." Virgil mumbled. He still was not quite used to being overly involved in emotional... things.

"Okay! Logan, why don't you go next?" Patton asked. Logan looked surprised.

"Yes, Logan, my love, what's your New Years Resolution?" Roman inquired.

Logan raised his eyebrows slightly, and then answered: "One-thousand twenty-for, by seven-hundred sixty eight."

The others just stared at him blankly. "Oh please, the average screen resolution?"

Virgil shook his head. "You are such a nerd." Logan glared at him, and Patton laughed. "Logan, you just made a joke!"

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