The Game Is On (Logicality)

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Date Published: Jan 26, 2018
Word Count: 2626
POV: Logan, 1st Person

I straighten my tie, and glance in the mirror one last time.

I had finished my day working as a student teacher, and I had gotten changed in the staff washroom. Now in my blue tie, and my nice black suit.

My boyfriend, Patton, said that he had reservations for dinner tonight, and we'd be heading out as soon as I got back from my afternoon internship. Which meant I couldn't get changed when I got home. I packed up the clothes I was wearing before, and stepped out into the main hall of the junior high school.

As I passed by the front office, a grade 8 student, Janus, was sitting in one of the chairs by the main door, waiting for a ride.

"Well, don't you look spiffy, Mr. Sanders!" He said, smiling up at me from his seat in the black leather chair, his green backpack perched on his lap. I stop to talk to her. He is one of the students that I made a good connection with, especially since I'm openly gay, and a few weeks ago, he asked me for advice on how she too, could come out to his friends and family. There was a sort of bond between us, after that.

"Why thank you, Janus."

"Where you off to?"

"Well, I'm actually going out with my boyfriend tonight."

"Oh cool! How long have you guys been together?"

"Almost three years, now. We met in university a few years back."

Patton and I had met in the school library, when I had been reading a Sherlock Holmes novel, and Patton, who was sitting at the table next to mine, asked if I'd seen the show "Sherlock". As a huge fan myself, the two of us talked for almost an hour about the TV show; though, myself more about the mysteries and plot, and Patton more about how John and Sherlock would make such a cute couple.

He ended up mentioning that he and I seemed a lot like Sherlock and Watson. I raised my eyebrows and reminded Patton that he had just argued that the two were "totally secretly dating". Patton ended up blushing, and mumbling something along the lines of "we could do that too", before I eventually laughed and suggested that we exchange phone numbers.

"Oh, that's awesome. Anyway, I don't want to keep you. Have fun on your date, Mr. Sanders!" Janus said, waving. I waved back, before exiting the building.

It was about half an hour before I got back to the small apartment Patton and I shared. There, I fished around in my bag to find my key, which always happened to be at the bottom of my bag, without fail. I shoved aside books and papers, trying to find the little piece of shaped metal, which ended up taking me a good thirty seconds to find.

After finally sliding the pesky silver key into the lock, twisting it, and unlocking the door, I slipped the key back into my bag, immediately wincing at the realization that I'd have to find the damn thing again next time. With a sigh, I open the door.

As I close the door behind me, I call out. "Patton, I'm home!"

There was no response.

I turn around, and look around for him. However, I get distracted by the sight of a wisp of red in my lower peripheral vision. I look down in confusion, to see that there was a red rose at my feet.

That's odd.

I bend down, and grab the rose, but, still crouched over, I notice that there are a few rose petals a little ways away from the flower in my hand. It takes me a second to realize that there are dozens of them, all in a dishevelled line, leading towards the kitchen.

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