My Retirement from Sanders Sides (A/N)

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Hello everyone,

I'm posting this here because it's the place that (I think) the most people will see it, and also my message board has a character limit and that's annoying. That being said, I don't expect many people to read this because I have not posted in a million years, and I think most of the people who did read my work have moved away from Wattpad for the most part. But this is basically to wrap things up officially, so that there is something here for current perusers of my profile to find in regards to my writing status.

I have not posted anything on Wattpad in... a year? I think? I don't remember now, but it has been a while. And many of my works have been in a state of indefinite hiatus for three years, which indicates to me that I should probably say something.

I have grown out of love with Sanders Sides.

And that's not to say that I don't still have a place in my heart for it, of course. But I do not have the same undying passion for it that I once did. I started watching Sanders Sides back when Anxiety was first introduced, so about five years ago (somehow it feels longer than that), and have been pretty heavily involved in the fandom since. Writing here not only encouraged my love for the craft, but also connected me with new friends, expanded my horizons, and was something consistent and undoubtedly mine throughout some turbulent times in my adolescence. Sanders Sides was a source of light, and I am very grateful for all it has been for me.

Yet, in the past couple of years, with the loss of new content from the series and my own navigation of moving into adulthood- it is clear to me that I am past the point in my life where Sanders Sides is an important part of my creative identity. I am happy to have had it, and am not leaving now because of any ill will. Simply, I have graduated from it.

As a bit of an update on me: as any of you who've read "On" know, I went through a really long and dark grieving process, and was emerging from a pretty dim place the last time I wrote for this platform. I was also quite ill for the better part of two years, and my focus on recovery played a large part in my struggle and with my new view on life.

But now, I am happy to share that I am in a place of better health, both physically and emotionally.

I eat two to three meals a day consistently, I've been walking to school and work, and I'm still not drinking enough water but hey we all have our issues >:(

Additionally, I recently began my post-secondary studies at the institution of my dreams, where I have decided to follow my biggest love: music. I get to spend each and every day surrounded by Bellini, Purcell, and Mozart, and I could not be happier.

Of course, I still am in love with writing. My current partner, the same one who I've been falling in love with (despite my own denial) for three years, who I've been sharing my life with since February 2022, moved alongside me to the big city and is studying to become an author. I myself still write recreationally, and have moved into writing poetry.

Moving away from home hasn't changed my emphasis on family. My younger sister, my life-force and my joy, is growing into a confident and dedicated young woman. My mother and I talk on the phone every day, and our relationship is better now than it's been in a long time. My father has discovered Amazon Prime and enjoys sending me packages whenever he can find even the smallest reason to, including not one but two boxes of apple cider packages.

All in all, I have a lot of things in my life to care about, and it is clear to me that they are the new things that I am focusing on. While Wattpad was a wonderful home for me for a long time, it's time for me to move on now. I can't say I won't check my notifications every now and then, but for the most part- I am retiring.

Thank you all for everything, and I wish you all nothing but happiness.

I'm sending you all of my love.

The clouds are blowing
Blowing by. Bye.
Where are they going?
Sailing 'cross the sea of sky?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2023 ⏰

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