Pathetic (Logince)

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Date Published: Oct 14, 2017
Word Count: 1068
POV: Roman, 1st Person

"What do you know about love?"

I shout across the room, glaring at Logan. He didn't understand. He doesn't realize how he affects me. He's so ignorant. So oblivious.

"I know that it's making you act pathetic."

I flinched. 'Pathetic. He thinks I'm pathetic.' Honestly, it really was. My hopeless liking for a man who's job it was to ignore, and not have emotion. How this morning I woke up at the unearthly hour that Logic always did, in order to make him coffee. Just to hear his surprised "Why thank you, Roman." The fact that I hung on to those four words, that I ate them like candy. That I wished to hear him say my name, again, and again.

Logan was right. It was so pathetic.

I'm pathetic.

---------------TIME SKIP--------------




The word rang in my ears after we finished filming. I sunk out immediately, down into my room within the Mindspace.




I ran over to my bookshelf, pulling out a black, leather bound journal. The one Logan had gotten me for Christmas. I opened it, cringing at everything I saw.




There were drawings of Logan and I holding hands, little hearts that said
"L+R" inside of them.




I can't believe that I had let myself fall so hard. I let myself do it. Here I am, like a teenage girl in a drama movie, fantasizing and doodling as I fawned over my childish crush.




It would never happen. Ever. Logic was so utterly emotionless. He couldn't feel love, never mind for me. We were opposites, myself the fanciful prince, over dramatic and imaginative. Then, Logan. Factual, intellectual, the rule-following nerd. It didn't make sense. It would never happen.




I felt hot tears begin to fall from my eyes, soaking the ink covered pages that held my dreams. I didn't try to stop them. I let them fall. I couldn't believe myself. Love was so stupid, so completely, and utterly pathetic. Just like Logic said. My fantasies were so dumb. I can't believe I cherished them. I had faith that I would get a happy ending.

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