A Story Told By the Voicemails In Logan's Inbox (LAMP)

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Just for reference, London is 7 hours ahead of the time zone that I wrote this in :)

You'll see why.
Date Published: June 16, 2020
Word Count: 3044

June 3rd - 3:48 P.M. (At Your Location)
8:48 A.M. (At Pinned Location: "Home")



"Oh, this is a voice message. Whoops! Silly me! Your answering machine always trips me up."

"It's me, Patton. I was just calling to make sure that your plane landed safe and you've gotten to your hotel and everything. So, just call me back when you get this, or when you arrive, or something, yeah?

"Thanks so much! Hope the trip wasn't too crazy. Talk soon!"


June 5th - 12:53 A.M. (At Your Location)
5:53 P.M.(At Pinned Location: "Home")

"Heya, Logan! It's me again."

"I know that you're probably sleeping right now, 'cause jet lag and time zones are fickle things, aren't they? But, I wanted to call just to let you know that we love you, and are gonna miss having you at the breakfast table with us-- Well, that is, when the others get up. Missing morning coffee with you, early bird."

"I know that you've only been gone, like, twenty-four hours. But I miss you so much already!"

"Anyway, that's kind of it. Didn't have a real reason to call, just thought I'd let you know I was thinkin' about ya! Love you lots! Buh-bye!"


June 6th - 5:07 P.M. (At Your Location)
10:07 A.M. (At Pinned Location: "Home")

"Hey. It's Virgil."

"I know you're probably busy doing business stuff or whatever, but Princey's an idiot and wants to do this stupid-- thing for the show that he's doing and I need you to back me up here. Just give me a call, or even better, call Roman when you get this and talk some sense into him."

"Thanks man. Hope your summit thing is going well. Bye."


June 7th - 4:56 A.M. (At Your Location)
9:56 P.M. (At Pinned Location: "Home")

"Hey, Lo! It's Patton, just checking in!"

"How's London? Are you liking it? Is it pretty? I've heard it's beautiful there."

"Are the people nice? How's the food? Oh my goodness, you should send pictures! I bet your hotel room has a great view. I've always wanted to go to London, you know. You'll have to tell me all about it next time we call. I've really enjoyed talking to you every night, by the way. It's really nice to hear your voice."

"Oh! Roman's show opens the weekend after next, and I'm looking at tickets for us to go see it on the computer right now, actually. I know that you weren't really sure on how long your boss would want you to stay, so I was just wondering if you think you'll be back in time to come with us? Just let me know, and I'll get you a seat next to us! I think that-- Virgil what are you still doing awake? It's late!"

"I'm on the phone with Logan."

"I'm sure he's doing great!"

"No, I'm leaving him a voicemail."

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