A New Mission (Logicality)

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TW: Violence
Date Published: Jul 24, 2018
Word Count: 1419
POV: 3rd Person

"Hey, Happy! How are you?"

Patton Parker pulled his mask off haphazardly, knowing that he'd be easier to hear. He held it in his hand, which he rested in his lap, as he looked out over the city of Queens. Happy didn't answer him, because he never did, and Patton had gotten used to just logging in reports to his voice mail.

"I helped an old lady today. She needed to get her cat down from a tree, and then she gave me a churro." He said. "Which was pretty nice of her. I can't complain about churros."

Patton's feet dangled over the edge of the roof that he sat on. It was the roof of some apartment building, that had a really nice view of the sunset. Patton knew that he was also high enough that no one on the ground would be able to see his face. Which was important, considering that Happy had continuously stressed to him how important his secret identity was.

"But, um... as much as I love helping old ladies, especially when they give me churros... I was wondering if you knew when I'd have a mission. Like, a real superhero mission." Patton looked down at the mask sitting in his lap. The red spandex with a webbed pattern that matched his suit. It was a hero's suit. "I know that you always say that what I do is heroic because it helps people... but, I don't know. I don't really feel like a hero, you know?"

Spider-Man had become a common household name in Queens. The friendly neighbourhood spider pal that helped capture the guy who stole from a convenience store, or who saved a child who almost got hit by a car. But, Patton didn't feel like it was enough. He saw the other heroes like the Avengers... and he just felt paled in comparison. He really wanted to do something bigger. Even if he was only sixteen.

"I just was thinking, like there has to be something that I can do to help, right?" Patton said into the cell phone. "I promise I won't mess it up. Just give me a chance, please?"

Patton paused for a moment, before sighing. He felt silly to hope. The work he did was small and insignificant. Happy didn't even think he was important enough to answer his calls. What was he thinking?

"Get your hands off of me!" A voice shouted up from below him. Patton's spidey-sense started going off. That didn't sound like the voice of someone who was kidding around with some friends. Patton stood, and walked over to the side of the building that overlooked an alley. Below, there was a group of guys in masks holding a teenaged boy. The boy writhed in their grasp. "Let go of me!"

"Happy, I'll call you back." Patton said. He hung up the phone, and shoved it into the backpack he was wearing, before taking it off and setting it on the roof. Hopefully he'd remember to come back for it. Patton jumped off of the roof, and landed on the fire escape a couple of stories down. He was careful to land as quietly as possible, as to not alert the people below that he was there.

The men shoved the boy forward, and he stumbled forward. The men then walked toward him, and the kid took a step hesitant step backward. "What do you all want?"

"We want what you have in your bag." The guy, who appeared to be the leader of the group said.

The boy's hand flew defensively to his book bag, that hung over his shoulder like a purse. "It's just my school bag."

"You're a smart boy, Logan. Thought that you'd know not to lie to a man with a gun."

"You don't have a—"

There was a ch chick sound, and the man pulled a black pistol from his back pocket, and pointed it at the kid. Patton gasped. What did this Logan have that these guys wanted so badly? Patton clamped a hand over his mouth. He needed to keep quiet. He hastily pulled his mask back on.

Logan's hands flew up, and they were shaking slightly. "I don't understand..."

"Don't play dumb, boy. We know who you are."

"Mister, I don't know what you mean."

"Just give me the bag, and nothing bad has to happen."

Logan looked down at his satchel-like school bag, conflict written all over his face. What was in there that was so important?

The man in the mask raised the gun and shot twice into the air, before pointing the gun back at Logan. "Now, boy."

"Alright, alright!" The boy was clearly starting to panic. He couldn't have been any older than Patton was, and the poor thing was being held at gunpoint. Logan pulled off his bag, and tossed it to the man.

The boss shoved the bag into the chest of one of his three cronies, and they began to look through it. Books were pulled out and thrown to the ground. A computer followed, and Logan winced. But, he didn't move, because the gun was still directed at his head. Eventually, the men slowed down, and looked at their boss. They shook their heads.

"Where is it?" The man walked up to Logan. When he didn't respond, the masked man punched him across the face, sending his glasses flying. "I said, where is it!?"

Logan didn't do anything but cry out in pain. The others started to close in. Oh god, this was bad, someone really should do something.

Then Patton realized.

He was Spider-Man! He was supposed to do something!

Patton was swinging toward the ground in seconds. He plowed into the men full force, swing kicking at them as he swooped by. The momentum caused the boss guy to stumble, and he dropped his gun. It went off as it hit the pavement, shooting Logan in the leg. The boy screamed, and crumpled to the ground. Patton fought the urge to run to him, instead taking the moment of surprise as an opportunity to jump on the men.

Patton honestly wasn't the biggest fan of violence in his job, so that's why he preferred to block out most of it as much as possible. He still felt guilty about hurting others, even if they were arguably bad people. They were ganging up on a kid! Well, he was probably in high school, but still! Four against one. Regardless, Patton went into overdrive, letting his training take over as he fought, trying not to wince in empathetic pain when he heard a resounding crack from one of the guy's ribs when he kicked him. Eventually, two of the men were on the ground, either somewhat or entirely unconscious, and the other two had made a break for it. Patton let them go. He webbed up the two on the ground, and turned to the boy who was nursing a bleeding leg.

Patton ran up to him. "Hey, kiddo. You're okay."

The boy looked up. "M-My glasses..." he pointed weakly to the now cracked frames that lay on the gravel a few feet away.

Patton walked over to grab them. He handed the glasses to Logan, who put them on. Then, he bent down, and picked up the boy. "C'mere, let's get you out of here."

Logan made a noise of pain when his leg was moved, but he nodded, and wrapped his arms around Patton's neck.

"Hold on tight." Patton said, before shooting out a web to the fire escape above with one hand, and holding Logan as best as he could in the other. They shot into the air. Patton had been hoping for something more interesting, and it seemed like he'd found it.

So, I haven't posted in this book in like... a year. But it's because every time I write a one shot, it ends up becoming too long and it become's its own story. I don't want to do that with this one, but it's already proving to be a two parter... and I love Spider-Man. But it's fine I refuse to put off posting for any longer. So yeah. It's fine lol. I'm posting this now. Sorry for being gone forever... :/

Oh I'm also sorry that this was really bad lol. I hardly slept at all last night so I'm a little scatterbrained.

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