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About a month has passed, I've been training and working out with Levi every morning. It got easier each day, I felt stronger, and it felt good.

Eren had been busy with work, and partying. He doesn't say much to me anymore. We were like two strangers living in the same house. He hadn't hurt me just like he promised, I was thankful for that. Jean and I had been hanging out, getting food, going to random places, stupid adventures.

Levi was slowly starting to warm up to me. It was nice, I wanted to know him. He was dark, mysterious, quiet. Something was drawing me towards him. I don't know what it was, but I enjoyed our time together. And I wanted to spend more time with him, as a friend, of course.

It was a Friday, I was stocking some books at work, reading through the pages of the ones that interested me. I finished the set of books I needed to stock, I went to the back and loaded the cart for the next section. The romance genre, lame.

The ending is always so predictable, they always end up together. I laughed through my nose as I read through the pages. Yeah, yeah, he loves her, she loves him, he messes up, she forgives him, and they live happily every after, the end. Same old shit, every time. "Salem! Closing time, go on and get outta here!", Hans shouted, I closed the book shut. "Roger that!", I yelled back to him as I rolled the cart to the back and untied my apron.

It was dark when I got home, Eren wasn't home. Shocker. The apartment was dark, the city lights lighting up the room through the tall windows. I showered and changed into some sweatpants and threw on a hoodie. I had a timer set for 11:50pm.

Levi and I had met every Friday at midnight this past month. It was now my favorite day of the week. Eren was always gone so he didn't even notice. We sat on the roof together, enjoying the silence. A few words between us, I looked forward to it every week.

I watched some Netflix to pass the time, and before I knew it the alarm went off. I smiled and grabbed my keys before I left to the rooftop.

Levi was standing at the edge his eyes on the city as I walked over beside him. "It's getting colder", I said as I rubbed my arms attempting to keep warm. "Well, it's the beginning of December, winter just started idiot", he said as his eyes looked over at me. I rolled my eyes, and rubbed my arms faster, hoping it would heat my body up.

He sighed and slipped his leather jacket off, and placed on me, "You don't have to-", "You're shivering", he sat down at the edge. I held his jacket closer to me, his cologne filling my nostrils, fuck he smelled good. "Thanks", I sat beside him. He sipped the bottle of whiskey beside him and handed it to me. I sipped it, "It was your turn to bring alcohol, you know", he said, his voice filled with annoyance. "Oh shit it was? Oops", I sipped it again, "Tch".

"Glad you brought some, because if you hadn't, this would've been a massive waste of my time", I said sarcastically, I swear I heard a small chuckle from him, it made me smile. Then our hands met as we both reached for the bottle. His touch radiating shockwaves throughout my whole body. "We have to stop doing this", I joked, he let out a light laugh through his nose. God, I loved the way his hand felt on mine. Stop.

"So Levi... what's your story? I feel like you know everything about me- but I don't know anything about you", I set the bottle down after I sipped it. He took the bottle and took a long sip, "You don't wanna know me", he set it down between us. There was a moment of silence before I replied, "And if I do?", he let out a lazy laugh and shook his head, "You don't".

"One thing- tell me one thing about you", I said as my eyes watched the city. He sighed and paused for a moment, "I like the rain", I smiled to myself. Of course he loved the fucking rain, I loved the rain.

Friday at Midnight (Levi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now