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He was hugging me tightly as the restaurant clapped and cheered for us. We sat back down at the table. A wide smile across his lips, "I love you so-", "Eren!", a familiar voice cut him off. I looked over at the figure, I gritted my teeth. Zeke Yeager.

"Zeke!", Eren shot up and hugged him, "Where you been man?", Eren said as he pulled back. "Just got back to the city yesterday", Zeke side eyed me, I glared at him. Should've stayed wherever you were. "Always a pleasure, Salem", he smiled and winked at me, I fake smiled, "Zeke". Zeke's eyes trailed down to the sparkling diamond on my hand, he narrowed his eyes.

"Eren, a word outside?", Zeke said as he took Eren's arm, Eren looked at me, "I'll be right back, okay?", he smiled and kissed my cheek. "Eren wait-", I tried to call him back but Zeke had managed to snag him before he could hear me. I sighed as I sat back down. I finished off the bottle of champagne by myself. Please don't relapse Eren, you promised.

I sat at the table as time passed, I checked my phone 10:30pm, I rolled my eyes. He bailed on me again, our anniversary night. The night he fucking proposed to me, he bailed on me. Asshole. His phone went to voicemail every time. I tried calling Jean, no answer. Fuck.

I left the restaurant and started to make my way home. I felt tipsy, the alcohol was definitely catching up to me. I held my arms as I walked, attempting to keep myself warm. I kept my head down as I pushed past people. I was mad. He left me. Again. It was supposed to be our night and he bailed. Again. My jaw clenched as the night's events replayed in my head. My fists balled, I was ready to snap.

"Hey there pretty", I heard a voice say as I lifted my head, the street was practically empty. I sighed and rolled my eyes, "Fuck off". "A snappy one, I like you", the dark figure came closer. "Listen man I had a really shitty night, don't fuck with me", he chuckled deviously. "Now, look at that diamond, that's gotta be worth at least 50 thousand", he grabbed my hand.

It's like something inside me snapped, a wire, a switch. I snatched my hand away and punched him in the face. He grabbed his face, "You bitch!", he rushed towards me and I kicked him in the chest he fell down. All I could see was red. I sat on him and started punching him with all my strength, my white dress getting sprayed with blood from his face. I felt tears starting to fall down my face as I punched him over and over again. "I hate you!", I repeated as I punched him, I saw Eren's face on the man as I punched him, my punches getting stronger after every hit.

"Salem!", I heard a voice say, but I didn't stop, all this pent up rage, hate, anger. I was taking it out on this man's face. I couldn't stop. My arms wouldn't stop hitting, tears wouldn't stop falling. "You're gonna kill him!", I recognized that voice. Levi. Then I felt him pull me off the man. "Salem are you ok?", he held my body close to his. Fuck this felt good, his arms holding my body tightly. I clutched onto his jacket, "I don't want to be with him anymore- I hate him- I hate him", I said through sobs as he held me.

He pulled away and held my hands, they were covered in bruises and blood, the giant diamond on my hand covered in blood now. "What happened to you?", his face filed with concern. I sniffled and wiped the tears from my face, "I snapped".

He hugged my tightly. Almost as if he knew what I was going through. Like he knew all I needed right now was someone to hold me. Tell me everything's going to be okay. Calm me down. "You're ok", he said as his hand bushed through my hair, I sobbed into his chest as he held me. "I don't want to be with him anymore", I repeated through sobs. "I know", he said softly, "I know", his voice just above a whisper.

"Let's get you home", he pulled away, "No", I sniffled, "Anywhere but there". His eyes met mine. They saw me. Not the messed up makeup. The tears. Not the white dress covered in blood. Me. "Okay", he smiled softly.

Friday at Midnight (Levi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now