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TW: graphic descriptions of blood and shit‼️

"Oh my god- Levi what happened to you?", I said in shock as my hands got coated in blood from holding him. He groaned, "I... need... you to... clean and... close the wound", he said through breaths. "I- I- what I can't I don't know how to-", I said my voice filled with panic.

Levi struggled to keep his eyes open, "Levi! NO! Levi stay awake! I don't... I don't know what you need to tell me-", I said through pants. "Levi please!!", I pleaded as tears fell down my face. I took a deep breath. I can do this. I struggled to drag his body to the sofa, I sighed heavily when I laid him on the black leather.

Levi's eyes fluttered open slowly. "Levi- look at me hey, hey you're okay", I said, my voice cracking, Levi groaned and held his stomach tightly, "I-I'm here", he said as his eyes fluttered open slowly. He was there, but barley hanging on.

"FUCK!", I cried out as I ran my fingers through my hair panicking. Breathe. Stop the bleeding, clean the wound, then bandage it. Breathe. I collected myself, taking a deep breath, I ran to the room and grabbed the first aid kit and as many towels as I could carry, along with some rubbing alcohol.

"This is going to hurt - I'm sorry", I said as I ripped his shirt off, pouring the alcohol on his open wound. Levi screamed out in pain, his eyes shut tightly, "I know it hurts- I'm sorry", I said as I held his hand tightly, he gripped mine so tight I thought my hand would break.

I ran towards the room, and snatched a sewing kit, running back towards Levi. I kneeled beside him, the bullet went clean through, so all I had to do was stich it, I can do this. I cleaned the needle with some alcohol, I took his belt off and folded it over, "Bite down on this- it's going to hurt like hell", I said to him as I placed the belt in his mouth, he nodded lazily.

Breathe. I closed my eyes, and took a deep breath, "I can do this", I said to myself. I pushed the needle through his skin, he screamed as he bit down on the belt between his teeth, "I know- I know just hold tight, I need to stitch this wound", I said as I sewed his wound together. Levi let out painful screams and groans as the needle pierced his wounded skin. "Almost done- just hold on", I said as I was finishing the last stich.

I got control of the bleeding, I wrapped a bandage over his abdomen, securing it tightly. I kissed his forehead, as my hand held his tightly, "Shh you're going to be okay- just rest for now- I love you so much", I said in a soft tone, my eyes soar from all the tears, my thumb grazing over his cheek.

His eyes fluttered open, "Salem- I'm sorr-", he started coughing, "Shh I know, I know", I said softly, tears forming in my eyes, a soft smile across my lips. "I-I love y-", I stopped him, "No, you say that to me tomorrow okay?", I said with a pained smile, tears falling down my face.

I stayed by his side the whole night, not sleeping or resting for a second. My body was exhausted, but my mind was elsewhere. I stayed beside him, holding his hand tightly, my eyes dry and red from crying and lack of sleep, this was all I did, the whole night, he had to be okay, I'm not letting him go.

I noticed the sun starting to rise. "Shit it's already morning", I said as I rubbed my eyes, my hand still clutched to Levi. I noticed my white shirt was covered in his blood, my hands coated in dried blood. I shut my eyes softly, "You better wake up", I said, my voice cracking slightly.

-2 hours later-

My eyes went wide as I noticed Levi starting to wake up. "Levi?", I asked, my voice raspy. His eyes were low, "Salem", he said, his voice just above a whisper. I rushed closer to him, my hands holding the sides of his face as tears poured out of my eyes, "You're okay", I said with a wide smile.

Friday at Midnight (Levi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now