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A/n: sorry this chapter is short

I was holding onto Levi for support as he guided me inside his apartment. I was laughing for whatever reason. I rushed to the kitchen and snatched a bottle of bourbon, "Let's partyyy", I said as I started to open the bottle.

Levi snatched the bottle from my hands, "Oh no you don't", he said as he set it on a top shelf where I couldn't reach. "You're boringggg", I said dramatically as I threw my head back. "Here, drink this", he handed me a glass of water. I looked at the glass then him, I hesitated before I finished the glass of water.

I stumbled as I set the empty glass on the counter, Levi caught me before I fell. "Jesus how much did you drink?", he said, "A lot", I said with a cheesy smile. "Let's get you cleaned up", he said as he guided me towards his room.

He started to take my shoes off, then my coat. "Can you do the rest?", he said as he stood up in front of me. I narrowed my eyes and bit my lip as I stared up at him. God I wanted to climb him like a fucking tree. I looked him up and down, "Can you help me?", I asked sweetly. Levi inhaled deeply and shut his eyes, "Fine".

He stood me up and began to slip my shirt off, just my black bralette covering my chest. His eyes never left mine as he undressed me. He slipped my pants off, just leaving me in my lacy back underwear and matching bralette.

We stayed there a moment, our eyes focused on one another. Levi cleared his throat then began to walk away. "Wait", I said softly as I took his arm. He looked to the side as I approached him. I started to kiss his neck softly, my hands holding his body close to mine.

"Salem, you're drunk", he said as he pulled away, I frowned, "So what?". My hands slowly traced down his chest till they met his belt. "Salem, we can't do this", he said quietly. I kissed his neck then glided my tongue up it, "Why not?", I whispered into his ear.

He held my shoulders, "I'm not taking advantage of you like this", he said, his eyes burning into mine. I looked at him, "You're no fun", I furrowed my brows and crossed my arms. "I know", he said flatly before he left the room and closed the door shut. I sighed dramatically then showered.

I stood in the middle of his room with a towel covering my body. I walked to his walk in closet, my hand gliding through all the expensive clothing. Mainly black suits and coats. I grabbed a pair of sweatpants and one of his hoodies.

I got under the covers of his bed, pulling them close to me. I nuzzled my head into his pillow and felt my body start to relax. I passed out.

I woke up, my head throbbing, my eyes burning from the sun shining into the room. I groaned loudly against the pillow. Levi walked inside with a glass of water, "Here, you'll need this", he said as he handed me two Advil, then the water. I rubbed my head and took the Advil. "God how much did I drink last night", I said as I struggled to sit up.

Levi sat on the bed beside me, "You were wasted when I met you at the club", he started, "So I brought you here to sober up, but you passed out in my bed". "Shit- I'm sorry- I didn't do anything crazy, right?", I looked to him, he smiled, "No, not at all". I sighed in relief, "Thank god".

I looked at the clock beside the bed, 8:27am, "Shit!", I jumped out of his bed, "I gotta open the shop!", I rushed to grab my clothes. "I texted Jean, he's opening it and he knows you're safe", Levi said coolly. I threw my head back and shut my eyes, "Thank you", I looked to him and smiled.

I changed into the clothes from last night and made my way into the living room. I smiled when I saw breakfast on the table. I sat across Levi, "Thank you", I said before I started to inhale the food. "I figured you'd need to get rid of the nasty hangover", he said, causing me to smile with a mouthful of food.

Friday at Midnight (Levi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now