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Levi answered his phone, "Yeah- be there soon thank you", he said before he hung up the phone. He slipped it in his pocket then looked to me, "Cars ready", his voice tinted with disappointment, it was barely noticeable.

We arrived at the car shop, Levi paid the man, and we entered his luxurious car together. We stopped by the motel and grabbed our items they were holding for us. Then we began to make our way home. He sped off into the two lane road, the engine roaring as he reached the top speed.

I held on to the car door, hoping it would bring me some comfort as he flew down the empty road. We were easily going 120mph. "Jesus Christ Levi", I said as I watched his flat face drive. "What?", he asked plainly, "Fuck you mean 'what' you're driving like a crazy person?!", I said defensively.

I looked at him with wide eyes, my lips parted. His face stayed flat as he drove, he side eyed me, "Does it scare you?", he asked, his tone filled with boredom. "Very much", I said, my eyes burning into his figure as he drove. He looked at me slyly and smirked, he floored the gas pedal and my body jolted back at the sudden motion the car moving almost at the speed of light. He started driving even faster before.

My eyes were wide and filled with fear as he flew down the deserted street. "Levi!", I shouted as I noticed a slower car ahead of us, that we were approaching too quickly. He swerved into the opposite lane, missing the car in front of him by an inch. "That's it! Pull over!", I commanded, he scoffed and rolled his eyes as he slowed the car down and pulled to the side of the road.

"Are you fucking insane!?", I asked him, he looked at me plainly, "Maybe". I scoffed and lifted my eyebrows, "That's it I'm driving". Why did I say that. I don't know how to drive. Please say no. Please say no. "Alright", he said as he exited the car, "Shit", I said under my breath.

I can't tell him I don't know how, that's embarrassing. It can't be that hard, right? I'll be fine. I'll be just fine.

I never had to learn to drive, I lived in New York city for fucks sake. I took the subway everywhere. And my parents did too. I sighed as I sat in the driver's seat. It looked like a fucking airplane. I saw tons of buttons and a touch screen. I saw a leather stick looking thing, maybe that's the gear? Yeah.

"You gonna put it in drive or we just going to sit here all day?", Levi asked, his tone filled with annoyance. "Yes, drive", I said as I clutched the leather stick, I tried to move it but it wouldn't budge. Fuck. He cleared his throat, "Foot on the break", he said, I followed his command, "Now shift". I shifted the gear and the car started to move, the anxiety in my body rising by the second.

"Do you know what you're doing... cause it doesn't look like you do", he said, I put my foot on the break abruptly, causing Levi and I to jolt forward slightly. "No it's just been a long time and this car is really fancy- its hard to figure it out", I said defensively. He studied my response, then he tilted his head, his eyes narrowing. "You don't know how to drive, do you?", he said. Fuck.

I panicked, "No I do it's just a nice car and I don't want-", he stopped my rant, "It's simple", he said before he started to explain how to drive to me.
He pointed to different objects and buttons in the car, the two pedals and the emergency break.

"Got it?", he asked, I slowly nodded my head as I started to understand the process. He noticed my stress as I clutched the wheel tightly. "Here this might help", he said as he reached over to me and pressed two buttons, causing the window beside me and him to roll down.

I took a deep breath and checked the mirror before I pulled into the street. The car was fast no doubt, one tap on the gas and the car jolted forward quickly. I started to drive at a consistent speed, 85mph.

Friday at Midnight (Levi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now