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TW:  abuse/ suicidal thoughts‼️ read cautiously I love you all x

The rest of my shift flew by, almost too fast. I sighed as I took my apron off, "See you on Monday Hans", I smiled at the old man before I left, "See ya Salem, take care of yourself", he said before I exited the store. I took a deep breath as the city breeze hit my face, causing my hair to fly aimlessly. I pulled my phone out, 5:53pm, "Shit!", I said before I started sprinting down the streets. Eren hated when I was late, especially to somethings that was important to him, mainly partying.

I sprinted through the streets, pushing past tourists and couples. I ran into a tall dark figure, "Shit sorry!", I said as I turned, it was the man from the rooftop, the man I had met on Friday, at midnight. Time almost stopped when our eyes met, his raven hair flowing in the wind, those steel blue eyes meeting mine, reading me. But it was just a second before I started to run back down the streets.

I was out of breath when the elevator door opened, I darted towards our door and unlocked it quickly, "I told you to be here at 6", Eren said as he stood up from the couch. I checked my phone, 6:04, of course. "I-I'm sorry, I got here as fast as I could", I headed towards the room. "How hard is it to be on time- fuck- it's not that fucking hard Salem", his tone tinted with anger.

I ignored him as I changed my clothes. I slipped on a satin black dress with a lace trip and some doc martens. I walked out of the room, Eren's eyes met my figure, "The fuck- you aren't wearing that, change now", his face filled with disgust. "What's wrong with it?", I said shyly, "Change, now", his tone was stern. I nodded and changed into some dickeys and an oversized hoodie. "Cover up your face, we don't want anyone getting the wrong idea", he yelled from the other room. I laughed to myself silently, god forbid anyone know the way you treat me.

He turned on some hip hop music, and set some bottles of liquor down on the kitchen counter. I heard a knock on the door, "Go get the door", Eren commanded, I opened the door, it was Armin, Jean and Mikasa. "Hello my love I haven't seen you in so long I missed you- ugh you're so pretty", Mikasa said as she rushed towards me with her arms out.

I smiled and hugged her back. "I missed you", I said into her shoulder. "Ugh- why'd you pick Eren- you should've dated me- I'm the better choice", she winked at me. Sometimes I really wish I liked women. I sheepishly smiled, "Mikasa enough", Eren cut in, she scoffed and rolled her eyes.

Armin hugged me, "Long time, no see", he joked, his eyes studied me again, the same sad eyes looking at my covered up bruises he saw earlier. I smiled at him, "How's my favorite girlfriend", Jean interrupted and hugged me tightly. "Ah, nice to see you again Jean", I hugged him back. "How much did you miss me?", he pulled back holding my shoulders, I laughed. I could feel Eren's eyes burning into me. I swear Jean's soul purpose was to infuriate Eren. And he always used me to do it. Lucky me.

We all sat down and started drinking. Jean, Eren, and Armin were doing shots. Mikasa and I sitting together on the sofa. "So lovely, tell me how you've been?", she smiled as she placed her arm around me. She was always so sweet. Her and Eren had been friends forever, she was into girls and she always flirted with me. It made me feel good. Pretty.

"Everything's great", I fake smiled, her eyes studied me, "Salem, I know when you lie to-", "Come do some shots with us!", Jean cheered as he interrupted her. I was thankful for that. Perfect timing. I shot up from the couch and extended my hand to her, she had a skeptical look on her face and hesitated for a moment. Just take my hand dammit. She took my hand and I led her to the kitchen to join the boys.

Eren poured us all a shot, we clinked our tiny glasses and shot them down our throats. The liquor burned as I swallowed it. I heard a knock on the door, I went to get it. Historia Reiss. I smiled at her, she looked me up and down and walked inside. Nice to see you again, too. She hated me, I don't know why. Maybe she wanted Eren??- she was jealous? Fuck if I know. Take him. Please.

Friday at Midnight (Levi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now