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!!smut warning!!

It's been about a month since Levi had been shot. He was almost completely healed up, he had regained most of his strength back. We spend the past few weeks watching old movies, reading together, and sleeping.

Hange had stopped by several times, keeping an eye on Levi and making sure no one would break in and hurt us. Some of Eren's men had stopped by, same ominous 3 knocks, bu they had left after they realized he wasn't home. We still had no idea what we were going to do with the situation in hand.

It was a Monday morning, Levi and I were getting dressed for the day. "So what are we even doing today?", I asked him as I slipped my coat on. "You'll see", he said as he adjusted his shirt and threw his long black overcoat on.

We made our way to his motorcycle parked in a gated garage, the city breeze brushing against my face. As we sped off into the busy city streets, flying past the jammed cars. We rode for about thirty minutes until we had stopped at the abandoned building.

"What are we doing here?", I said as looked at the broken-down building before me.  Levi placed his hand on the small of my back, as he guided me towards the entrance, "You're gonna learn to shoot a gun, you need to be able to protect yourself if I'm not there", he said looking down to me, my eyes widened slightly.

As we entered the old building, broken windows and concrete littered all over. Levi had walked to a more open area, he placed two old wooden boxes on top of each other, then he grabbed three empty bottles in the boxes. He made his way back to me as he pulled a handgun from his back side.

"Levi I'm not sure if I can do this", I said as he handed me a handgun. "Relax, it's just a gun, you can do this", he said in attempt to reassure me.

My hands were shaking as I held the weapon, I looked at it, my face filled with uncertainty.

"This is the safety, when you push this down and its red that means the gun is ready to shoot", he said as pointed to a small red button-like object on the gun. "Now if you press this black button here, near the trigger, it drops the magazine", he said as he pressed a small button, dropping the magazine in his hand. "This is where you load your bullets, like this", he said as he began placing bullets into the magazine. I watched him very closely and listened intently, beginning to understand what he was teaching me.

"When your bullets are loaded, you put the magazine back in the gun, like this, and then you pull the top of the gun back slightly to release the empty shell in the chamber", he said as he did what he explained. "Make sense?", he said as his eyes met mine handing the gun to me, "Sort of- I'm not sure if I can do this it's-", I said a little unsure if I could do this, my hands still shaking.

"Here", he said as he came behind me, his lean muscular body pressed against mine, his head hanging over my neck. He held my arms up with his, as we gripped the weapon together, his mint tinted breath against my neck, "Hold it like this", he said as he moved my hands to grip the weapon properly.

"Thats what she said", I said under my breath, "Seriously?", he asked as he stepped back. "I had to", I said desperately, he rolled his eyes and he moved back behind me.

His strong hands gripped mine, as we held the gun, "Find your target, aim, then shoot, relax your body, you can do this", he said in a deep raspy tone. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, then opened them slowly. I aimed for the center of the empty bottle, squinted my eyes just a bit, and then I pulled the trigger, the gun kicked back a little.

A rush of adrenaline shooting throughout my whole body. The beer bottle had shattered on the floor. "See that wasn't so hard, now was it?", he said as he looked to me, a wide smile grew on my face from my accomplishment.

Friday at Midnight (Levi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now