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I was sitting against a bookshelf at work, reading one of the new released novels. Some romantic shit. I don't know why I wanted to read that crap but part of me liked it. Though I hated to admit that. "Is it any good?", Hans said as he sat down beside me, "It's okay", my eyes still glued to the pages. He chuckled, "You always talk about how you despise romance novels, yet here you are, unable to put that damn book down", I shut the book and looked over to him, "You saw nothing", I placed the book back int the case and stood up.

"You look good Salem... happy", he smiled slightly as he adjusted his glasses. "You meet someone and finally dump that dumbass?", I laughed, "No", a smile across my face. "You met someone", his eyes studying my every move. "I did not", I couldn't keep myself from smiling. He narrowed his eyes, "He better be nice to you or I'm g-", I cut him off, "Hans, you're insane and I didn't meet anyone", I rolled the cart to the back as he walked beside me. "I've known you for 2 years now, you think I can't tell when y-", "We aren't doing this".

He grumbled something under his breath, I chuckled as I untied my apron. I sighed, "Always a pleasure, Hans", he scratched his head as he sorted through books, "Yeah- have a good night too", I laughed through my nose, old ass fucker.

I wrote some chapters for the book I was writing to pass the time. And before I knew it the alarm started blaring on my phone as my fingers stopped tapping on the keys. 9pm, time to get ready. Fuck I was nervous. Why was I nervous? I'm just getting a drink with my friend? The friend in mind, Levi Ackerman. Someone Eren hated me being around, why?

I put my hair in a low bun, loose strands to frame my face. I threw on some winged eyeshadow and deep red lipstick. The color looked amazing with my pale skin. I brushed through my lash extensions and smiled at myself in the mirror. I looked hot. I slipped on a black satin slip dress, a white turtleneck underneath to keep me warm. I slipped my black platform doc martens and waked over to the door. I took a deep breath before I opened the door and made my way there.

I looked around me as my phone GPS told me I was here. I looked around the crowd of people as I walked around them. Then I turned my head back and there he was. He was leaned on the building, away from the crowd. He was dressed in some black dickeys, a white button down, a leather jacket and some doc marten boots. His hands covered in silver rings. His raven hair styled in an undercut as it hung over his face slightly. The blue light from the sign above him, lighting his face up perfectly. Wow. He looked good.

I walked towards him, as he heard me approaching, he turned to meet my eyes. His lips slightly parted as his eyes glued to my figure. He fake coughed as his eyes averted back to mine, I smiled. "I've never really been to a bar like this", I said as he guided me towards the entrance. We showed the man at the front our ID's and he let us inside, "Hold my hand and stay close, it'll be crowded", he took my hand and we entered the bar.

(song rec: High Enough-K. Flay)

My eyes widened and a smile grew on my face at the crowd of people dancing, the people sitting at the bar doing shots. The different colored flashing lights as the music blared through the whole bar. I saw the bartender making drinks and taking orders as she rushed from one side to the other. Levi's hand holding mine tightly as we walked through the crowd of people, butterflies fluttering in my stomach from his touch.

His hand still in mine as he shouted our drink order to the bartender, hoping she could hear from the blaring music and crowds of people talking and cheering. "Here", he handed me a drink, "What is it?", I said into his ear as I came closer, he smirked, "Vodka soda, you'll like it". "Are you trying to drug me again?", I yelled to him, he tried to suppress a smile, "Shut up".

I sipped the drink as he sipped his, he was right, I did like it. I chugged the rest of the drink, Levi's eyes widening as he watched me. "What?", my brows raised, a smirk grew on his face, and he downed the last of his drink like I did.

Friday at Midnight (Levi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now