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TW: mentions of torture‼️ viewer discretion is advised‼️

I woke up in a dark room, just a single light hanging from the ceiling. Stone walls and floors. I noticed my ankles were bound with chains. My wrists bound in chains attached to the wall behind me. The panic began to set it.

I struggled to escape the chains, my wrists and ankles burning from the friction. "HELP!! CAN ANYONE HEAR ME! PLEASEE!", I yelled, in hopes someone would find me. Tears started to fall down my face, my breathing staggered as I struggle to stay calm. Where am I? Who took me and why? Are they going to kill me?

I kept yelling and screaming for hours, but it was no use. No one could hear me. No one came to save me. I was alone. My head fell on the wall behind me as tears poured out of my eyes. What the hell is happening?

"SOMENONE PLEASE!", I cried out, my voice filled with terror. I sat there on the cold concrete. Staring straight ahead. My face was flat, emotionless, as tears streamed down my face.

-hours later-

My eyes shot open when I heard voices outside arguing. I put my ear against the stone wall in attempt to listen. "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THIKING?!", a familiar voice yelled, wait that's... Levi's voice. My lips parted as I realized what was happening.

"Sir, we believed she was a threat", a man said, "A THREAT? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!", Levi shouted, I had never heard his voice sound like that, it was filled with pure rage. "LAST TIME I CHECKED I'M THE BOSS- YOU TAKE ORDERS FROM ME", Levi yelled angrily, "Sir, Eren said they were your orders", the man said in defense.

There was a long pause before Levi said something. "I am the boss, not Eren, you take orders from me, not him", Levi commanded. "Yes sir, I'm sorry", the man said. Then I heard a gunshot and a loud thud, my body flinched at the sound. I held my breath in attempts to stay quiet.

"Boss, that Eren kid is a problem, a problem we need to take care of", a familiar woman's voice said. Wait that sounded like his friend I met, Hange... "Yeah he's out of control, he killed that book shop owner and used the Mafia's name to get away with it", Levi paused, "That man was innocent, and he had paid us monthly for protection", Levi said.

My eyes were wide as I listened to their conversation. Eren had killed Hans. It wasn't Levi. This was all Eren's doing, but why? Part of me was relieved that Levi hadn't done that. But then again, it's sounding like he's secretly the boss of some mafia. And mafia's kill people.
"He needs to be stopped, or it's the end of The Underground Mafia", Hange said, "I know", Levi said quietly.

I heard the door open and looked to see who it was. Levi. He had a large gun, maybe a machine gun, resting on his shoulder, blood spattered all over his white dress shirt and suit coat, some on his face. He set the gun down, and rushed towards me and began to undo the chains restraining me, "Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?", he asked, his face filled with concern.

"Who a-are you Levi Ackerman?", I asked, my face filled with terror. "I promise I'll explain everything to you, just let me get you out of here", he said as he finally freed me from the chains. My wrists and ankles were covered in bruises, "God, I am so sorry Salem", he said as he examined my body.

I didn't know what the hell to think. Can I trust him? Sure, he didn't kill Hans. But he was guilty of something. Is he still the same Levi I know?

He lifted me bridal style, my body felt weak, sore, I could barely move it. My head rested on his shoulder as he carried me, I slowly felt my body going unconscious from the shock.

I woke up in Levi's bed, my head was throbbing. I noticed bandages on my wrists and ankles. I rubbed my face and winced in pain. I sat up and looked in the mirror to see a large bruise on the side of my face, near my cheekbone.

Friday at Midnight (Levi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now