Chapter One 🩸

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A chilled breeze blows through the nighttime autumn leaves making them dance and swirl in the cool evening air.

It's October, October 31st to be exact, Halloween.

Katsuki is perched up high in a large oak tree with leaves of red and gold swaying around him.

He let's pricing deep crimson eyes scan the neighborhood streets that was once his own, years ago, many, many years ago, way before the cookie cutter houses and manicured lawns that it is now.

He watches several trick-or- treaters walking carelessly down the sidewalk, laughing and talking, dressed as ghost, goblins, superheros and monsters.

His eyes land on a kid he guesses is about fifteen or so dressed as a vampire, with fake fangs and a black cape, hair slicked back.

He scoffs shaking his head with a deep scowl on his face. He hates Halloween, if these happy, stupid brats only knew that real monsters existed and there was one only inches from them, they wouldn't be so eager to go parading around at night begging strangers for candy.

He looks up to the sky looking at the full moon in the dark autumn inky black night.

Yes Katsuki Bakugo is a monster, one who was turned into one over a hundred years ago and definitely not by choice.

There's the other reason this blonde hates Halloween, it was the night his life changed forever one in a million years he'll never forget, one he knows he has at least million years to think about, he is immortal after all.

He was twenty two a strong, handsome wealthy farmers son, who was brash and bold, bad mouthed and bad tempered, something that hasn't changed in a hundred years.

The blonde had been drunk walking his way down a dark dirt road on his way home from a Halloween party in the village tavern when he stumbled into Monoma, one of the first and oldest vampires in existence.

When Katsuki got immediately mouthy at the fact that this stranger had the nerve to bump into him without so much as an apology Monoma decided to retaliate and the two broke into a fight with just fist at first, but when the cocky blonde had refused to back down Monoma decided on a different fate for the fiercely firey male and extended his fangs eyes glowing blue in the darkness.

As soon as Katsuki had caught sight of it, he was shocked and frightened sober but before he could make another move Monoma lunged for him and bit into the top of his shoulder hard, penetrating the skin deeply injecting venom.

White hot burning pain shot through the blonde who was dropped to his knees in the agony of death he was sure would come, in fact it was supposed to come, the attack from Monoma that night was ment to kill since he had injected enough venom to kill a horse but when Monoma had left Katsuki on the street to die he hadn't realized the firey blonde was so much stronger than he thought.

Katsuki survived that night after he crawled his way into the woods and had found an abandoned hunting cabin.

The change was agonizing, he had wished for death to come so many times that night he lost count.

His skin hurt, his blood felt like it was on fire in his veins the feel of acid shooting through him every time his heart pumped. He was sweating profusely but freezing at the same time. His stomach turned and lurched, he heaved his guts up several times feeling like his throat was on fire from burning bile.

He recalls looking in the mirror at one point as he gripped the sink trying to hold himself upright a face he hardly recognized staring back at him, his eyes weren't just a deep shade of crimson but they now held an eerie glow. His mouth ached horribly and all he wanted to do was reach in and yank his own teeth from throbbing gums.

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