Chapter Twenty-One 🩸

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Late afternoon was breaking by the time iridescent jade eyes started to open.

Izuku yawns stretching his sleepy muscles. He feels a bit achy, a smile and a blush form at that thought because he knows why. He shifts his eyes to the side seeing the reason for why sleeping beside him.

He feels a wave of love hit him hard, a rush of emotion stronger than he's ever felt in his entire life as he stares at the gorgeous male next to him who is now his mate.

Gentle fingers go to his own neck feeling the small puncture wounds indicating that he was Katsuki's and only Katsuki's now and forever.

Well as long as his forever is since his mate is being so stubborn about the whole changing him thing.

He knows this is something he has to work on, he needs to find a way to convince this drop dead gorgeous vampire to make sure they never part.

The idea of him leaving Katsuki's side had been upsetting to him before but now that he was his mate that feeling seemed to be growing more intense by the minute.

Crimson eyes suddenly snap open, a vampire that was soundly sleeping only a minute ago darts straight up in bed with a deep worried look in dark crimson eyes that hold a red glow.

Izuku jumps slightly at the suddenness jade eyes wide meeting glowing crimson.

" Deku what's wrong?!, the blonde ask as he reaches for the greenett.

Izuku is slightly confused at first but then it hits him that he was just upset feeling and since Katsuki is his mate now the blonde must know it.

The greenett trys to soothe his mate.

" Shh Kacchan, it's ok. I was just a little emotional that's all. You, you could sense that?" , he asked amazed still at the whole vampire sense stuff.

Katsuki visibly relaxed slightly seeing that his mate was ok, from what he could see.

" Well yes, you're my mate now, so I can feel when something is off with you, I can even sense your discomfort, because I'm your mate, your protector, it's like a warning fucking alarm that goes off inside me so that I can take care of whatever the fuck is it"

Izuku's eyes soften as he hugs the blonde.

" I'm Ok Kacchan, I'm sorry I woke you up"

Katsuki hugs him closer inhaling the scent of soft mint and his own scent that will now linger on what's his.

" It's ok, but what's wrong? Had to be something, I could feel it, you were sad, or stressed" , the blonde questioned as he pulls back to inspect the beautiful eyes of his mate.

Izuku nips the inside of his lip unsure if he wants to touch on the subject just yet when he knows how upset it makes the vampire studying him closely.

" Um.. it's just I.. I got thinking about you being immortal and me not.. and since you're my mate now it.. it bothers me deeper I guess. I know you don't want to talk about it but.. I really want you to change me Kacchan" , Izuku says softly as glassy jade eyes look up into piecing crimson.

Katsuki stares, he can feel Izuku's emotion now so he knows how deep this runs, even deeper now since last night, but he also knows how deep his own feeling on this is and how he desperately doesn't want to put his mate through what he was over a hundred years ago.

He sighs heavily feeling defensive over this topic but the last thing he wants to do is fight with his little one the day after they mated, he totally doesn't want this to turn into another argument like it had the first time.

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