Chapter Sixteen 🩸

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Iridescent jade eyes begin to stir open.

Izuku blinks back sleepiness as a small yawn breaks through.

He slowly stretches his legs out then hits something solid next to him. He smiles immediately remembering he's in Katsuki's bed.

The greenett sits up slowly not wanting to disturb the blonde asleep soundly next to him.

Pretty jade eyes land on the fire burning brightly feeling how warm the room is.

His eyes land again on the sleeping vampire. He can't help but smile and feel a flush on his cheeks remembering the night before and everything that took place.

He and Katsuki had stayed up most of the night talking over lots of things but especially the fact that Izuku had said he had no doubts he wanted to be the blondes mate.

The greenett smiled and bit his lip slightly as he leaned down and placed a gentel kiss on the vampires cool temple.

He stretched again then slowly climbed out of the large bed but as soon as his feet hit the hardwood floor there was a rough voice full of sleep in the room.

" Where you going Izuku?"

There was an eruption of butterflies in the greenetts stomach.

Katsuki's voice always seemed to pull that feeling to the surface and the way his given name rolled off the blondes tongue in his rough morning voice made the greenett slightly shiver.

Izuku turned to look down at the blonde who had rolled over onto his back with one hand behind his head, groggy crimson eyes taking in jade ones peering down at him.

The greenett gave a smile while he reached out and fixed a slightly flat spike climbing back onto the bed.

" Just to the bathroom. Good morning, or um afternoon I think. I didn't mean to wake you Kacchan. I know you sleep most of the day" , Izuku said softly.

Katsuki gave a slight tired smirk.

" I felt you move, gotta make sure you're not getting into any trouble"

Izuku laughed and rolled his eyes with a playful grin.

" What kind of trouble could I possibly get into in your room?!"

Katsuki let fire dance to life in crimson eyes as the flames in a brick hearth shot higher.

Jade eyes shot to it as the blonde sat up and leaned over.

Jade met fire burning crimson a devilish smile on the blonde.

" Want me to show you? Again?" , the blonde said low.

Izuku breath hitched while he watched mesmerized by the flames in crimson.

Gentel fingers reached up and touched the blondes sharp jawline.

" Um.. yes ? Please ?"

Katsuki chuckled deep from his chest while he gave a teasing wink.

" Go to the bathroom Deku, then get your ass back here to me"

The greenett smiled kissing the blondes cheek quick before he hopped back out of bed and hurried to the large bathroom.

Katsuki watched with a smile tugging at the smaller male that was in one of his large hoodies and boxers.

The blonde layed back down hands laced behind his head crimson eyes closed again.

Not to long later Izuku shuffled back to the bed slipping under the covers.

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