Chapter Ten 🩸

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Izuku was seated next to Katsuki on the sofa in his apartment.

Pretty jade eyes where locked onto the blonde as he watched Katsuki stand up and pull off his leather jacket before sitting back down beside him with a heavy sigh.

He could tell whatever the blonde was getting ready to say was weighing on him and he's now feeling his anxiety rise wondering what it could be.

Katsuki said he was going to tell him who he really was, what exactly did that mean?! He wasn't sure, but he's ready to find out.

Or is he?

Katsuki took a breath now looking over at the greenett next to him who was sitting sideways on the couch with his knees pulled up, chin resting on them, his eyes hardly blinking as he waited with baited breath for what the blonde would say next.

Katsuki couldn't help a small chuckle at the cuteness of it, if he didn't feel so damn helpless right now it would have made him pull Izuku to his chest and pepper his face with kisses.

He reached over and gently rubbed the greenett's leg as he spoke.

" First of all, how are you feeling? That's what's most fucking important here"

Izuku shrugged slightly.

" I'm Ok, just sore, I'm more concerned about you and what happened last night than I am about me right now"

Katsuki nodded his gaze shifting to the side then back to the greenett. He gave a slight smile.

" And I'm more fucking worried about you, but yeah, I owe you one hell of an explanation and I'm going to give you just that, one hell of one"

Izuku tensed not liking how this feels and suddenly he's very worried.

Crimson eyes land on jade as the firey blonde begins.

" The first thing you gotta know is how fucking sorry I am for last night, I know I keep saying it but I need to say it again. It killed me to leave you, fuck Deku it broke something in me and I'm sorry"

Izuku studied him, he believes the blonde is sorry but that doesn't explain why it happened to begin with.

The greenett moves his hand slowly placing it to top of Katsuki's larger one that is resting on top of Izuku's knees.

" K-Kacchan, why did you leave tho? You seriously freaked out, are you... are you afraid of blood or something?" , he asked gently

Crimson eyes snapped to jade and the question actually made Katsuki laugh because it was so fucking ironic.

The laughter made Izuku furrow his brow with annoyance because nothing is very funny right now.

" What's so funny?", the greenett asked in a low tone that told the blonde his little one was in no fucking mood for jokes, not that this was one.

The blonde cleared his throat as he let his gaze shift to the ground. His face wore a slight smile still as he shook his head.

" You'll understand in a minute"

There was a few beats of silence with crimson eyes still downcast as his mind swirled with the task in front of him that felt like a million pounds on his tongue.

Izuku was busy chewing his lip as he watched the blonde struggling with whatever this was.

Crimson eyes met jade again and they both stared at the other for a minute before Katsuki nervously rose to his feet.

He ran both hands through his hair pulling ash blonde spikes slightly as he started to pace.

Jade eyes watched every move anxiously.

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